Total number of a company registered in the Fiscal Year 2070
Total number of a company registered in the Fiscal Year 2070

Total number of a company registered in the Fiscal Year 2070, harvested from Office of Company Registrar, Open Government Data Initiative: http://www.ocr.gov.np/index.php/np/2016-06-16-05-09-06/2017-04-19-04-58-21

Total number of a company registered in the Fiscal Year 2070, harvested from Office of Company Registrar, Open Government Data Initiative: http://www.ocr.gov.np/index.php/np/2016-06-16-05-09-06/2017-04-19-04-58-21

Data and Resources

  • Total number of a company registered in the ...CSV

Additional Info

Field Value
Source http://www.ocr.gov.np/index.php/np/
Last Updated September 16, 2019, 16:57 (CST)
Created September 7, 2019, 17:38 (CST)
AODP_DateImported 192501657
AODP_former_id d0baab3e-5101-41a6-b541-48192d1f8fd0
AODP_former_name total-number-of-a-company-registered-in-the-fiscal-year-2070
AODP_former_owner_org eb92ecff-ef07-4ce4-91b0-ad4ffd476532
AODP_former_site http://opendatanepal.com
AODP Economy Nepal