Total Number of ECD and PPC Facilitators in all Types of ECD Centers & Preprimary Classes in 2074 BS
Total Number of ECD and PPC Facilitators in all Types of ECD Centers & Preprimary Classes in 2074 BS

Total Number of ECD/PPC Facilitators in all Types of ECD Centers & Preprimary Classes in 2074 BS. This table covers the ECD facilitators & pre-primary teachers who are working in the early childhood centres and pre-primary classes of community and institutional schools.

Total Number of ECD/PPC Facilitators in all Types of ECD Centers & Preprimary Classes in 2074 BS. This table covers the ECD facilitators & pre-primary teachers who are working in the early childhood centres and pre-primary classes of community and insti...

Data and Resources

  • pre-primary classes of community and ...CSV

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://moe.gov.np/assets/uploads/files/Education_in_Figures_2017.pdf
Last Updated September 16, 2019, 17:09 (CST)
Created September 7, 2019, 17:38 (CST)
AODP_DateImported 192501657
AODP_former_id bd7b0201-f9d3-42cc-b50c-083d6b146d1d
AODP_former_name total-number-of-ecd-ppc-facilitators-in-all-types-of-ecd-centers-preprimary-classes-in-2074-bs
AODP_former_owner_org 92a170f9-a12e-4df8-ae65-a199e07c0f9f
AODP_former_site http://opendatanepal.com
AODP Economy Nepal