Credit and Charge Card Statistics
Credit and Charge Card Statistics

Credit and charge cards refer to any article, whether in physical or electronic form, of a kind commonly known as a credit card or charge card or any similar article intended for use in purchasing goods or services on credit, whether or not the card is valid for immediate use.

Credit card rollover balance refers to the balance that incurs interest charges in the event that the credit card charges are not settled by the payment due date. The balance includes the minimum payment not settled by the due date and the rollover balance after payment of the minimum sum.

For rollover balances and the number of main and supplementary cards, the figures given are as of end of each month.

Note: Total billings, rollover balances and written-off bad debts are in S$ millions. Charge-off rates are percentages.

Credit and charge cards refer to any article, whether in physical or electronic form, of a kind commonly known as a credit card or charge card or any similar article intended for use in purchasing goods or services on credit, whether or not the card is ...

Data and Resources

  • Credit and Charge Card Statistics, AnnualCSV Popular

  • Credit and Charge Card Statistics, MonthlyCSV Popular

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated October 9, 2019, 11:30 (CST)
Created September 8, 2019, 19:50 (CST)
AODP_DateImported 192511938
AODP_former_id 37f61fe1-1ad3-4d50-bf43-8d8539cd247b
AODP_former_name credit-and-charge-card-statistics
AODP_former_owner_org 29673240-3176-44de-a155-7cd864771516
AODP_former_site https://data.gov.sg
AODP Economy Singapore