HDB Resale Price Index
HDB Resale Price Index

Tracks the overall price movement of the public residential market.

The index is based on quarterly average resale price by date of registration. The index till 3Q2014 was computed using stratification method, while that from 4Q2014 onwards is computed using the stratified hedonic regression method. 1Q2009 is adopted as the new base period with index at 100. The index from 1Q1990 to 3Q2014 are rebased to the new base period at 1Q2009. Indices from 1Q1990 to 3Q2014 are re-scaled using a factor of 100 (new index in 1Q2009) / 138.3 (original index in 1Q2009) multiplied on the original index level to derive the re-based index level for the respective quarters. Due to rounding, there could be some differences in the quarterly price change compared to the RPI series before re-scaling.

Tracks the overall price movement of the public residential market. The index is based on quarterly average resale price by date of registration. The index till 3Q2014 was computed using stratification method, while that from 4Q2014 onwards is comput...

Data and Resources

  • Housing And Development Board Resale Price ...CSV

Additional Info

Field Value
Source http://www.hdb.gov.sg/cs/infoweb/residential/buying-a-flat/resale/resale-statistics
Last Updated September 24, 2019, 13:01 (CST)
Created September 9, 2019, 01:06 (CST)
AODP_DateImported 192512222
AODP_former_id ef430ec5-8f46-40cf-9fd9-f0257a954dc8
AODP_former_name hdb-resale-price-index
AODP_former_owner_org 64ee9e7b-4a0d-412a-bc2a-384057ececf9
AODP_former_site https://data.gov.sg
AODP Economy Singapore