CBMS core indicators in Mobo, Masbate
CBMS core indicators in Mobo, Masbate

This dataset contains barangay-level information on the 14 core indicators, including demography, of CBMS in the province of Masbate municipality of Mobo. These 14 indicators are: (1) malnourished children 0 to 5 years old; (2) death of children 0 to 5 years old; (3) death of women due to pregnancy-related causes; (4) households without access to safe water; (5) households without access to sanitary toilet facilities; (6) households living in makeshift housing; (7) households who are informal settlers; (8) children aged 6 to 12 not attending elementary school; (9) children aged 13 to 16 not attending secondary school; (10) children aged 6 to 16 not attending school; (11) population who are unemployed; (12) households with income below poverty threshold; (13) households with income below food threshold; and (14) households who experienced food shortage. The data shows magnitude and proportion per barangay in each indicator; magnitude refers to the actual count of individuals/households in a given sample of the population while proportion refers to the percentage of the magnitude relative to the total count in a given sample of the population.

<p>This dataset contains barangay-level information on the 14 core indicators, including demography, of CBMS in the province of Masbate municipality of Mobo. These 14 indicators are: (1) malnourished children 0 to 5 years old; (2) death of children 0 to...

Data and Resources

  • 2008 Masbate basic education indicatorsCSV Popular

  • 2008 CBMS Masbate demography indicatorsCSV

  • 2008 CBMS Masbate health nutrition indicatorsCSV

  • 2008 CBMS Masbate housing indicatorsCSV

  • 2008 CBMS Masbate income livelihood indicatorsCSV Popular

  • 2008 CBMS Masbate peace and order indicatorsCSV

  • 2008 CBMS Masbate water sanitation indicatorsCSV

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://data.gov.ph/?q=dataset/cbms-core-indicators-mobo-masbate
Author None
Maintainer Open Data Philippines
Last Updated September 16, 2019, 18:26 (CST)
Created September 9, 2019, 20:03 (CST)
AODP_DateImported 192521950
AODP_former_id 2f1ca566-0c16-4071-8349-a72fe4e60bba
AODP_former_name cbms-core-indicators-mobo-masbate
AODP_former_site https://data.gov.ph
AODP Economy Philippines