Strike/Lockout Notices Filed, Actual Strikes/Lockouts, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost
Strike/Lockout Notices Filed, Actual Strikes/Lockouts, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost

This dataset contains the number of strikes/lockout notices filed thru the Bureau of Labor Relations, DOLE Regional Offices and National Conciliation and Mediation Board from 1937-2012. It also provides information on the workers involved and Mandays lost.

<p>This dataset contains the number of strikes/lockout notices filed thru the Bureau of Labor Relations, DOLE Regional Offices and National Conciliation and Mediation Board from 1937-2012. It also provides information on the workers involved and Mandays...

Data and Resources

  • 1937-2012 Strike/Lockout Notices Filed, Actual ...CSV

    Note: 1. Data for 1975-1976 exclude reports from DOLE Regional Offices. 2. NA...

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://data.gov.ph/?q=dataset/strikelockout-notices-filed-actual-strikeslockouts-workers-involved-and-mandays-lost
Author None
Maintainer Open Data Philippines
Last Updated September 24, 2019, 12:59 (CST)
Created September 9, 2019, 20:03 (CST)
AODP_DateImported 192521950
AODP_former_id 865d4f69-10cb-474a-88b9-65cbce1e5c06
AODP_former_name strikelockout-notices-filed-actual-strikeslockouts-workers-involved-and-mandays-lost
AODP_former_site https://data.gov.ph
AODP Economy Philippines