[MT] Under 107 annual international economic integration trends, the impact of the southern industrial research, business opportunities and upgrading - the use of anchoring the Kaohsiung area business advantage to help promote regional innovation strategy research

本研究將由國內外個案與深度訪談,探高雄市本地具產業與經濟影響力之大型國營、民營企業 (或稱「定錨企業」)如何影響地區的產業發展與城市轉型,研析政府如何槓桿定錨企業之研發創新能量與網絡、如 何協助周邊地區孕育新興產業等。

[MT] This study will be the case at home and abroad and in-depth interviews with industry to explore Kaohsiung local economic impact of large-scale state-owned and private enterprises (also known as "anchoring Enterprise") affect industrial development ...

Data and Resources

  • Unnamed resourceCSV

Additional Info

Field Value
Author 李翃翻
Maintainer 2.16.886.101.20003.20007|經濟部
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 11:26 (CST)
Created October 26, 2019, 15:03 (CST)
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src_modifiedDate 2019-05-29 16:44:00
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AODP Economy Taiwan