[MT] People aged 50-69 years receiving colorectal cancer screening rates in the last two years

資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫,篩檢統計至2014.02.08。 備註:1.篩檢率計算方式:近2年曾接受過大腸癌篩檢人數 / 當年12月50-69歲人口數。 2.2010年起,全面提供50-69歲民眾2年1次糞便潛血檢查。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Data by February, 8, 2014. Note:1.Colorectal cancer screening rate: Percentage of people aged 50-69 reporting at Least 1 iFOBT in the past 2 years. Note:2.Screening policy: The government has incorporated colorectal cancer screening into preventive health care services for people aged 50-69 with at least 1 iFOBT within the past 2 years.

[MT] Source: Department of cancer screening database, statistical screening to 2014.02.08. Note: 1 screening rate calculation: the past two years had received a large number of colorectal cancer screening / year on Dec. 50-69 year-old population. 2. Sin...

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author 游小姐
Maintainer 2.16.886.101.20003.20065.20026|衛生福利部國民健康署
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 09:21 (CST)
Created October 27, 2020, 21:53 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 203011427
DPA_former_id 85663a77-b8b9-4427-a03f-73b027164314
DPA_former_name 14677
DPA_former_owner_org 4eaf3966-2f8e-4681-bdf7-682fb5e44fd6
DPA_former_site https://data.gov.tw
src_categoryDataset A
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src_datasetId 14677
src_detectFrequency annually
src_language zh
src_modifiedDate 2018-09-23 22:09:15
src_notes 授權說明網址: http://data.gov.tw/license
src_publishedDate 2015-05-05 00:00:00
src_publisherContactPhone 0228220888#776
src_type rawData
src_updateFrequency 每年
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