Union Budget at a Glance(Timeseries) from 1995-1996(Actuals) to 2020-2021(Budget Estimates)
Data and Resources
Budget at a Glance(Timeseries) from ...CSV
The table is a time-series compilation of select indicators of the Union...
Budget at a Glance(Timeseries) from ...JSON
The table is a time-series compilation of select indicators of the Union...
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | October 31, 2020, 03:01 (CST) |
Created | October 31, 2020, 03:01 (CST) |
DPA_DateImported | 203041508 |
DPA_former_id | ceb4b91a-b4bc-4b9e-808a-2e8a5692ed0d |
DPA_former_name | union-budget-at-a-glance-timeseries |
DPA_former_owner_org | f3a321c6-7621-4cd2-8f40-b3f1899f8136 |
DPA_former_site | https://openbudgetsindia.org |
Note | Negative values for deficits imply surpluses. The corresponding percentage figures (as % of GDP) have been represented here as surplus as a percentage of GDP instead of presenting them as negative deficits. The sign for such percentage surplus figures have been kept as positive for proper interpretation. |
Theme | Budget at a Glance (Timeseries) |
Unit | Crores of Rupees |
AODP Economy | India |