قيمة التجارة الالكتونية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
[MT] The value of electronic trade in the United Arab Emirates

تنفيذ عمليات كافة الأنشطة الإقتصادية للمنتجات والخدمات التي يباشرها موفر الخدمة والمستهلك أو طرف ثالث بشكل جزئي أو كلي من خلال وسيلة إلكترونية من أجل بيع منتجات أو تقديم خدمات أو إعلان عنها أو تبادل البيانات الخاصة بها .

[MT] Implementation of all Economic activities of products and services purchased by service provider, consumer or third party partially or total through an electronic means of selling or providing products, advertising or exchange of data.

Data and Resources

  • Ecommerce 2015-2020XLSX Popular

  • (metadata) Ecommerce 2015-2020 XLSX Popular

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 11:33 (CST)
Created October 31, 2020, 12:26 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 203050724
DPA_former_id e5b08d61-22b2-4672-afa5-2f1b8ca5e7e0
DPA_former_name electronic-commerce-volume-in-the-uae
DPA_former_owner_org e0b47c3a-252f-44a5-b9e0-0269e22d88e4
DPA_former_site http://data.bayanat.ae/en_GB
End Year 2020
Start Year 2015
calculation methodology This data represents the volume of electronic commerce circulating annually, according to a study prepared by the Dubai Department of Economic Development in cooperation with Visa International. The data was collected mainly through cash transfers using prepaid Visa and MasterCard cards
AODP Economy UAE