登革熱1998年起每日確定病例統計 (全英文資料集)
Dengue Daily Confirmed Cases Since 1998 (English)


The dataset is similar with "Dengue Daily Confirmed Cases Since 1998", but with additional info (county/town/village code) of each cases. All resources are in English.

Data and Resources

  • Dengue Daily Confirmed Cases Since 1998JSON

    the data source link

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://www.cdc.gov.tw/diseaseinfo.aspx?treeid=8d54c504e820735b&nowtreeid=dec84a2f0c6fac5b&tid=77BFF3D4F9CB7982
Author 馮 小姐
Version 1.0
Last Updated November 17, 2020, 22:55 (CST)
Created November 17, 2020, 22:55 (CST)
AODP Economy Taiwan

Customized Fields

updated_freq day
fee free
data_type rawData
ea_author gnnhuo@cdc.gov.tw
cm_notes version、title、description、source、type、timestamp、column、csv、json
data_lang english
em_notes version、title、description、source、type、timestamp、column、csv、json
pub_time 2017-12-25
e_title Dengue Daily Confirmed Cases Since 1998 (English)
c_title 登革熱1998年起每日確定病例統計 (全英文資料集)
author_phone 02-23959825#3114
ed_notes The dataset is similar with "Dengue Daily Confirmed Cases Since 1998", but with additional info (county/town/village code) of each cases. All resources are in English.
cd_notes 同資料集「登革熱1998年起每日確定病例統計」,並加入內政部縣市鄉鎮編碼。此資料集以英文內容釋出。