Debit Sungai Rerata Bulanan Stasiun Pemali - Bantarkawung Kabupaten Brebes
[MT] Debit River Rerat Mouth Soliture Station - BANTARKAWung Brabes Regency

Dataset ini berisi informasi tentang Debit Sungai Rerata Bulanan Stasiun Pos Duga Air di Jawa Tengah

[MT] This dataset contains information about the monthly river debit of the airspect stations in the air in Central Java

Data and Resources

  • debit-sungai-rerata-bulanan-stasiun-Pemali - ...XLS

    Data ini berisi informasi tentang Debit Sungai Rerata Bulanan Stasiun Pos...

Additional Info

Field Value
Source Dinas PUSDATARU Prov. Jateng
Author Dinas PUSDATARU Prov. Jateng
Last Updated April 14, 2021, 11:48 (CST)
Created April 14, 2021, 11:48 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 211032027
DPA_former_id 88c39162-4ca5-4b1f-b5ed-39f1df0b6608
DPA_former_name das2
DPA_former_owner_org 322321aa-feae-498f-9347-e1a84c0e6974
DPA_former_site https://data.go.id
AODP Economy Indonesia