[MT] The park is subject to the number of employees to increase or decrease the number of employees.


[MT] Analysis of the processing export zone has increased and ratio of employee workers so far since 91

Data and Resources

  • 園區別歷年受雇員工人數增減比較資訊CSV

  • 園區別歷年受雇員工人數增減比較資訊_nchc_reviseCSV

Additional Info

Field Value
Author 張小姐
Last Updated September 6, 2021, 03:24 (CST)
Created September 6, 2021, 03:24 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 212482059
DPA_former_id f7d3421e-8466-4bb4-9564-327df7742e10
DPA_former_name best_wish8183
DPA_former_owner_org 24ebd639-de71-4c80-94c2-f4d343f36ecd
DPA_former_site https://scidm.nchc.org.tw
Tag 公共資訊
author_phone 073611212#142
authorize 政府資料開放授權條款-第1版
created_time 2014/06/30 13:46
extra_note 授權說明網址: http://data.gov.tw/license
license http://data.gov.tw/license
provide_from 經濟部加工出口區管理處
variable_descript 項目;合計;楠梓園區;高雄園區;台中園區;中港園區;屏東園區;其他園區;較上月增減比較;較上月進退率;較上年同期增減比較;較上年同期進退率
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