190 datasets found

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Catalogues: data.bayanat.ae Categories: F. Labor

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    Title in English:


    "تقوم ""الهيئة الاتحادية للرقابة النووية"" (الهيئة) بعمليات تفتيش بموجب مسؤوليتها عن الإشراف على الأمان النووي والأمان الإشعاعي والضمانات وأمن المصادر المشعة واستمرارية الإشراف...

    Description in English:

    [MT] "The Federal Organization for Nuclear Supervision" "(Commission) with inspections under its responsibility for supervision of nuclear safety, radiotherapy, guarantees and security of radioactive sources and continuity of oversight on activities whe...
  • flag_uae 3 Views


    Title in English:


    "The knowledge employees are three first major group of ISCO-08. These major groups are: 1-Managers, 2-Professionals and 3-Technicians and associate professionals. The data is...

    Description in English:

    "The knowledge employees are three first major group of ISCO-08. These major groups are: 1-Managers, 2-Professionals and 3-Technicians and associate professionals. The data is the distribution of the knowledge employees in the private sector (excluding ...
  • flag_uae 1 View


    Title in English:


    تعريف غير مباشر: عدد العاطلين مقسومًا على عدد الأفراد في القوى العاملة (القوى العاملة) (يشمل العاطلين الذين عملوا سابقًا والعاطلين الذين لم يعملوا سابقًا) تم الحصول على مجموعة...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Indirect definition: The number of unemployed is divided by the number of individuals in the labor force (labor force) (including unemployed and unemployed persons who have not been obtained from the International Labor Organization (ILO) and inclu...
  • flag_uae 2 Views


    Title in English:


    "It is the distribution of the employees in the private sector (excluding the Free zone) by the following attributes: (1) gender, (2) age class, (3) emirate, (4) skill level as...

    Description in English:

    "It is the distribution of the employees in the private sector (excluding the Free zone) by the following attributes: (1) gender, (2) age class, (3) emirate, (4) skill level as per labour law in UAE and (5) the occupation at the level of major group of ...
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    Title in English:


    "It is the distribution of the employees in the private sector (excluding the Free zone) by the following attributes: (1) gender, (2) age class, (3) emirate, (4) skill level as...

    Description in English:

    "It is the distribution of the employees in the private sector (excluding the Free zone) by the following attributes: (1) gender, (2) age class, (3) emirate, (4) skill level as per labour law in UAE and (5) the economic activity at the section level of ...
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    Title in English:


    "It is the distribution of the new work permits issued for employees during a year in the private sector (excluding the Free zone) from UAE labour Market by the following...

    Description in English:

    "It is the distribution of the new work permits issued for employees during a year in the private sector (excluding the Free zone) from UAE labour Market by the following attributes: (1) gender, (2) age class, (3) emirate, (4) skill level as per labour...
  • flag_uae 2 Views


    Title in English:


    "It is the distribution of the new work permits issued for employees during a year in the private sector (excluding the Free zone) from abroad by the following attributes: (1)...

    Description in English:

    "It is the distribution of the new work permits issued for employees during a year in the private sector (excluding the Free zone) from abroad by the following attributes: (1) gender, (2) age class, (3) emirate, (4) skill level as per labour law in UAE...
  • flag_uae 6 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    "the data set represents the distribution of the female employees and the total employees in the private sector (excluding the Free zone) by the following attributes: (1)...

    Description in English:

    "the data set represents the distribution of the female employees and the total employees in the private sector (excluding the Free zone) by the following attributes: (1) gender, (2) age class, (3) emirate, (4) skill level as per labour law in UAE and (...
  • flag_uae 3 Views


    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات عدد الممرضات الموزعات حسب مكان العمل والمنطقة الطبية والجنسية (الجنسية) والجنس.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set displays the number of nurses distributed depending on the workplace, medical and nationality (nationality) and sex.
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the total number of employees distributed by hospital, hospital specialty, and medical district.

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the total number of employees distributed by hospital, hospital specialty, and medical district.
  • flag_uae 4 Views


    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the total number of employees distributed by job category, job title, nationality (Citizens and Non-Citizens), medical district, and sex.

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the total number of employees distributed by job category, job title, nationality (Citizens and Non-Citizens), medical district, and sex.
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the number of manpower distributed by job category (Consultant, Specialist, Practitioner, Dentist, Pharmacist, Nurse, etc), nationality (citizenship), and...

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the number of manpower distributed by job category (Consultant, Specialist, Practitioner, Dentist, Pharmacist, Nurse, etc), nationality (citizenship), and district for 2002.
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the number of nurses distributed by place of work, specialty, nationality (citizenship), and sex.

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the number of nurses distributed by place of work, specialty, nationality (citizenship), and sex.
  • flag_uae 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Nurses by Category, Medical District, Nationality, and Sex

    Description in English:

    Nurses by Category, Medical District, Nationality, and Sex
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the number of manpower distributed by job category (Consultant, Specialist, Practitioner, Dentist, Pharmacist, Nurse, etc), sex, and district per year.

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the number of manpower distributed by job category (Consultant, Specialist, Practitioner, Dentist, Pharmacist, Nurse, etc), sex, and district per year.
  • flag_uae 3 Views


    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات عدد الأطباء الذين تم توزيعهم حسب التخصص والإمارة لعام 2002.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set presents the number of doctors distributed by specialization and emirate for 2002.
  • flag_uae 4 Views


    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the number of technicians distributed by speciality, place of work, nationality, and sex.

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the number of technicians distributed by speciality, place of work, nationality, and sex.
  • flag_uae 4 Views


    Title in English:


    النتائج الإجمالية لمطالبات التأمين والأقساط والمخصصات والسياسة حسب خط العمل لأبوظبي 2017

    Description in English:

    [MT] The total results of insurance claims, premiums and politics depending on the Labor line for Abu Dhabi 2017
  • flag_uae 5 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the number of technicians distributed by speciality, medical district, nationality, and sex

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the number of technicians distributed by speciality, medical district, nationality, and sex
  • flag_uae 2 Views


    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات إجمالي عدد العيادات الخاصة والقوى العاملة والحضور الموزعين من قبل المناطق

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set exposes the total number of clinics, labor force and attendance distributors by areas
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