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Formats: PDF Categories: E. Science and technology G. Economy and finance B. Environment Tags: 国際

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  • flag_japan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    本報告書は、以下の調査結果をまとめたものです。 1.データフローの促進に係る調査(多国間でのデータフロー促進のための施策、及び各国独自で行っているデータフロー促進のための施策に関する情報収集) 2.EUデータ保護規制に係る調査(十分性認定やEUデータ保護規則案等について、より詳細な情報の収集・整理)...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This report summarizes the following findings. 1. Study of the promotion of data flow (Measures for data flow promoting multilateral, and collect information about the measures for data flow promoting doing its own country) 2. Investigation in acco...
  • flag_japan 1 View


    Title in English:


    1.データフローの促進に係る調査(多国間でのデータフロー促進のための施策、及び各国独自で行っているデータフロー促進のための施策に関する情報収集) 2.EUデータ保護規制に係る調査(十分性認定やEUデータ保護規則案等について、より詳細な情報の収集・整理)...

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Study of the promotion of data flow (Measures for data flow promoting multilateral, and collect information about the measures for data flow promoting doing its own country) 2. Investigation in accordance with the EU data protection regulations ...
  • flag_japan 4 Views


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] Japan is dependent on imports for many mineral resources, which is a raw material, suffer from the uncertainty of supply. In recent years, the demand or the like in emerging countries, has increased the uncertainty of the supply, the importance of ...
  • flag_japan 3 Views


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] This report collects the actual result of the automatic traveling, analyzes of against the actual person of the operation of the data is obtained by analyzing and investigating the energy-saving effect in the automatic traveling.
  • flag_japan 1 View


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] Aims to deepen the cooperation in the "areas of cooperation", "Information and Communication Technology Science and Technology", "energy and environment" field of the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement, the Japan Electronics and Informat...
  • flag_japan 3 Views


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] Events of the rise of innovative industry, impact on the world, was investigated respect to response to technology trends in domestic and foreign companies. In addition, together with to investigate the current state of the German economy strong st...
  • flag_japan 2 Views


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] This report, businesses that contribute to the promotion of Japan's energy-saving and environmental technologies in China, specifically, the 9th Japan-China Energy Conservation and Environmental Research Forum, the dispatch of public-private missio...
  • flag_japan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    毎年開催する Innovation for Cool Earth Forum に関し、①イノベーションを喚起するための議論形成の方策、②ICEFの議論を対外的に発信するためのステートメント案の作成等、③個別技術の議論に資するエネルギー・環境技術ロードマップの要素について調査・分析等を行ったことについての取りまとめを内容としている。

    Description in English:

    [MT] Respect Innovation for Cool Earth Forum to be held every year, ① discussion formation of measures to stimulate innovation, create the like of the statement proposed for externally to place a discussion of ②ICEF, ③ energy and environmental technolog...
  • flag_japan 1 View


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] This report, for the international energy spread towards the demand reduction of Japan, which sought advanced energy-saving and renewable energy technologies, evaluation of order to clarify the economy that must be met as a business from the multil...
  • flag_japan


    Title in English:


    エネルギー・環境技術のイノベーションを促進するプラットフォームとして、経済産業省やNEDOの主催による国際会議「Innovation for Cool Earth Forum」の開催に向け、イノベーションを喚起するための議論形成の方策、技術開発・普及を進めていくためのベストプラクティスの集約・共有の方策等についてのとりまとめを行った。

    Description in English:

    [MT] As a platform to promote the innovation of energy and environmental technologies, towards the holding of the international conference "Innovation for Cool Earth Forum" organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and NEDO, discussion fo...
  • flag_japan 1 View


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] In order to contribute to the international strategic planning of future framework, our country, which aims both of global warming measures and economic growth (green growth), while based as well as the trend of international negotiations on the IP...
  • flag_japan 3 Views


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] The gap between the current situation and the automotive industry policy of Iran's automobile industry to research and analysis, the proposal book that was created on the basis of the result, was submitted to exchange views on Iran commercial and i...
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