4 datasets found

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Tags: 空拍影像

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  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    拍攝標的物為白海豚。 白海豚為在本島西岸沿海較易出現的瀕臨絕種之生物,因此白海豚的永續發展為重要的議題之一,由於白海豚較不常見,此資料集也在搜集一定的困難度,此外由於白海豚在空拍影像中容易受海浪影像,造成特徵不明顯,因此在偵測上也有一定難度。 附件為兩段含白海豚的空拍影像,可以自行下載標註使用。

    Description in English:

    [MT] The subject is white dolphin. White Dolphin is an endangered creature that is more likely to appear on the west coast of the island. Therefore, the sustainable development of the white dolphin is one of the important issues. Because the white dolph...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    拍攝標的物為海洋油污污染。 在此資料集中,油污容易受海浪潮汐及礁石影響,因此此資料集也有一定的困難度,標註方法為將油污部分標註出來,不論大小及遠近,就算是很小的漂流物也會進行標註。 檔案中標註檔案與影像名稱互相對應,且已提供train及val資料列表,使用者可依自己的需求選擇使用。

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    [MT] The subject is polluting marine oil pollution. At this data concentration, oil pollution is easily affected by the tidal tide and reefs. Therefore, the collection of this data is also difficult. The label method is to mark the oil pollution part. R...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    拍攝標的物為海洋漂流物。 配合計畫將開發極小物件偵測與辨識系統,在高空拍攝亦能對極小的物體,如農作物、漂流物,做即時偵測與分析。結合數據分析,預測或評估海上汙染情形。 在此資料集中,漂流物的種類繁多,且型態差異甚大,因此此資料集也有一定的困難度,標註方法為將漂流物各自完整地框出來,不論大小及遠近,就算是很小的漂流物也會進行標註。...

    Description in English:

    [MT] The subject is marine drifting. In conjunction with the plan, the development of minimal object detection and identification systems can also be used to detect and analyze very small objects, such as crops and drift objects at high altitude. Combin...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    拍攝標的物為農作物芒果。 配合計畫將開發極小物件偵測與辨識系統,在高空拍攝亦能對極小的物體,如農作物、漂流物,做即時偵測與分析,結合數據分析,預測或評估作物生長情形。...

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    [MT] The subject is a crop mango. In conjunction with the plan, the development of minimal object detection and identification systems can also be used at high altitude. It can also be used for instant detection and analysis, such as crops and drift obj...
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