3 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Categories: H. Government and public sector A. Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food Economies: Korea

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  • flag_korea 2 Views


    Title in English:


    주요 요식업 집적 상권의 변화를 공간기반으로 분석하여 요식업 입지 및 창업마케팅 자료로서 활용 샘플데이터 입니다.

    Description in English:

    It is sample data that is used as location data and start-up marketing data by analyzing the change of the main food business accumulation area based on space.
  • flag_korea 1 View


    Title in English:


    토지를 경제적,효율적으로 이용하고 토지이용의 종합적 조정,관리등을 위하여 도시관리계획으로 결정하는 지역정보(국토계획/농림지역)

    Description in English:

    Regional information determined by urban management plan for economic and efficient use of land and comprehensive adjustment and management of land use (National Land Plan / Agricultural Area)
  • flag_korea 3 Views


    Title in English:


    국토정보지리원 연속수치지형도 낚시터 데이터

    Description in English:

    National Geographic Information Institute
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