23 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Catalogues: data.nsdi.go.kr Categories: A. Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food Economies: Korea

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  • flag_korea 2 Views


    Title in English:


    산림의 공간분포를 나타낸 주제도로 항공사진을 판독하여 임상, 주요수종, 경급, 영급, 소밀도 등 임황자료를 지형도(1:25,000)에 도화해서 작성한 도면

    Description in English:

    A drawing showing the spatial distribution of forests and drawing aerial photographs of the forest, plotting forestry data such as clinical, major species, grade, salary, and small density on topographic maps (1: 25,000).
  • flag_korea 1 View


    Title in English:


    산림경영, 산지관리, 환경영양평가 등에 필요한 입지·토양환경에 대해 작도단위인 토양형을 구획단위로 조사 및 분석한 정보를 대축척화 하여 수치지형도로 나타낸 산림주제도

    Description in English:

    A forest state system that scales the information obtained by surveying and analyzing the soil type, which is the unit of construction, in the unit of land, for the location and soil environment required for forest management, mountain management, and e...
  • flag_korea


    Title in English:


    산림경영, 산지관리, 환경영향평가 등에 필요한 입지·토양환경에 대해 작도단위인 토양형을 구획단위로 조사 및 분석한 정보를 대축척화 하여 수치지형도로 나타낸 산림주제도

    Description in English:

    The forest state system, which is a digital scale map of the land survey and analysis of the soil type, which is required for the forest management, mountain management, and environmental impact assessment, is divided into scales.
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