Title in English:
陸域と密接な関係を持ち、海洋生物にとって重要な生息・生育環境であり、漁業やレクリエーションなど様々な人間活動の場でもある沿岸域(水深200m以浅)を主な対象とした、関係各省等の調査・研究成果を収集しています。Description in English:
[MT] Has a land area and a close relationship, are important habitats for marine life, coastal areas, which is also the fishing and place of a variety of human activities, such as recreation (the water depth 200m shallower than) as the main target, the ... -
Title in English:
陸域と密接な関係を持ち、海洋生物にとって重要な生息・生育環境であり、漁業やレクリエーションなど様々な人間活動の場でもある沿岸域(水深200m以浅)を主な対象とした、関係各省等の調査・研究成果を収集しています。Description in English:
[MT] Has a land area and a close relationship, are important habitats for marine life, coastal areas, which is also the fishing and place of a variety of human activities, such as recreation (the water depth 200m shallower than) as the main target, the ... -
Title in English:
陸域と密接な関係を持ち、海洋生物にとって重要な生息・生育環境であり、漁業やレクリエーションなど様々な人間活動の場でもある沿岸域(水深200m以浅)を主な対象とした、関係各省等の調査・研究成果を収集しています。Description in English:
[MT] Has a land area and a close relationship, are important habitats for marine life, coastal areas, which is also the fishing and place of a variety of human activities, such as recreation (the water depth 200m shallower than) as the main target, the ... -
Title in English:
陸域と密接な関係を持ち、海洋生物にとって重要な生息・生育環境であり、漁業やレクリエーションなど様々な人間活動の場でもある沿岸域(水深200m以浅)を主な対象とした、関係各省等の調査・研究成果を収集しています。Description in English:
[MT] Has a land area and a close relationship, are important habitats for marine life, coastal areas, which is also the fishing and place of a variety of human activities, such as recreation (the water depth 200m shallower than) as the main target, the ... -
Title in English:
陸域と密接な関係を持ち、海洋生物にとって重要な生息・生育環境であり、漁業やレクリエーションなど様々な人間活動の場でもある沿岸域(水深200m以浅)を主な対象とした、関係各省等の調査・研究成果を収集しています。Description in English:
[MT] Has a land area and a close relationship, are important habitats for marine life, coastal areas, which is also the fishing and place of a variety of human activities, such as recreation (the water depth 200m shallower than) as the main target, the ...