1 dataset found

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Categories: J. Health Tags: After treatment the same day in the same hospital suffering from the same disease

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  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:


    資料來源:保險醫事服務機構醫療服務點數申報資料 分子:同一人、同一天、同一疾病(主診斷前三碼相同)、同一院所,就診2次(含)以上之人次。 分母:同一人、同一天、同一院所之門診人次。 計算公式:(分子/分母) x 100%

    Description in English:

    [MT] Source: Insurance services Medical Services Medical claims data points molecule: the same people, the same day (the same as the first three primary diagnosis code) of the same disease, the same institutions, visits twice (or more) of the people. De...
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