2 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Categories: E. Science and technology Tags: 決済

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  • flag_japan 6 Views Popular


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    [MT] ① domestic BtoC-EC market size estimates, ② domestic BtoB-EC market size estimates, estimates of consumer cross-border EC market scale of between ③ Japan and the US in the three countries, grasp the EC-related information in the three countries in ...
  • flag_japan 2 Views


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] "① domestic business-to-business (BtoB) and e-commerce market size of the consumer (BtoC)" and e-commerce related systems in addition to the "② cross-border e-commerce market size of between Japan and the United States and China three countries", "...
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