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    Title in English:


    中央氣象局地震觀測網為台灣即時的地震網,測站遍佈全台、離島與東部外海,作為地震監測與發佈強震即時警報的角色。測站解析度自2012全面升級為24位元高解析度,以提升地震定位的準確性。資料下載與其他資訊請參考中央氣象局 GDMS網站:https://gdmsn.cwb.gov.tw/

    Description in English:

    [MT] The Earthquake Observation Network of the Central Meteorological Bureau is the instant earthquake network of Taiwan. The measurement stations are all over Taiwan, outlying islands and the east outside sea. The resolution of the station was fully up...
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