5 datasets found

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Economies: Korea Formats: DXF

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  • flag_korea 3 Views


    Title in English:


    컴퓨터상에서 도로, 철도, 건물, 하천 등 다양한 인공지물과 자연지형을 도식 (기호)과 3차원의 위치좌표로 표현한 디지털지리정보 지도

    Description in English:

    Digital geographic information maps representing various artifacts and natural topography such as roads, railroads, buildings, and rivers on the computer using schematics (symbols) and three-dimensional position coordinates
  • flag_korea 2 Views


    Title in English:


    컴퓨터상에서 도로, 철도, 건물, 하천 등 다양한 인공지물과 자연지형을 도식 (기호)과 3차원의 위치좌표로 표현한 디지털지리정보 지도

    Description in English:

    Digital geographic information maps representing various artifacts and natural topography such as roads, railroads, buildings, and rivers on the computer using schematics (symbols) and three-dimensional position coordinates
  • flag_korea 1 View


    Title in English:


    컴퓨터상에서 도로, 철도, 건물, 하천 등 다양한 인공지물과 자연지형을 도식 (기호)과 3차원의 위치좌표로 표현한 디지털지리정보 지도

    Description in English:

    Digital geographic information maps representing various artifacts and natural topography such as roads, railroads, buildings, and rivers on the computer using schematics (symbols) and three-dimensional position coordinates
  • flag_korea 2 Views


    Title in English:


    컴퓨터상에서 도로, 철도, 건물, 하천 등 다양한 인공지물과 자연지형을 도식 (기호)과 3차원의 위치좌표로 표현한 디지털지리정보 지도

    Description in English:

    Digital geographic information maps representing various artifacts and natural topography such as roads, railroads, buildings, and rivers on the computer using schematics (symbols) and three-dimensional position coordinates
  • flag_korea 2 Views


    Title in English:


    수심 50m이내인 해역의 해저암반분포, 수심, 퇴적층 두꼐 등을 조사하여 임해공업단지, 간척지개발, 해저 자원보존 등에 사용되는 지도

    Description in English:

    Maps used for seaside industrial complexes, reclaimed land development, and conservation of undersea resources by investigating the distribution of subsurface rocks, water depths, and sedimentary strata in waters within 50 meters of depth.
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