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Tags: 研修

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  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    「臺日、 臺德、臺法、臺奧、臺俄及臺加技術合作計畫」出國研習人員暨日本專家來臺人數統計

    Description in English:

    [MT] "Taiwan and Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Taiwan and France, Taiwan, Austria, Taiwan and Russia and Taiwan plus technical cooperation project" study abroad personnel cum Japanese experts to the number of sets of statistics
  • flag_japan 1 View


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    Description in English:

    [MT] And declining birthrate and aging population is progressing rapidly in China, care and welfare for the elderly is a social problem. The survey report of the social structure in China changes, history and present situation of the elderly welfare pol...
  • flag_japan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    本事業は以下の2点について調査・研究を行った。 ①製品安全人材に求められるコンピテンシーの検討と製品安全人材の育成のための研修プログラムの実施と効果検証 ②流通事業者向けの各種ガイド等の普及・啓発に向けた研修の実施

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    [MT] This project conducted a survey and research on the following two points. ① product safety of competency required for the human resources study and product training program for the training of security personnel implementation and effect verificati...
  • flag_japan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    本報告書は以下の事項についてまとめ、今後に向けた改善案を提示した。 ①製品安全人材育成研修の実施内容とその結果の検証 ②製品安全コミュニティの活動成果と今後の課題 ③取引先工場や仕入先における事前の協議や報告がないままの原材料や部品の変更に関する問題の実態と事業者における対応策

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    [MT] This report summarizes the following matters, presented the improvement plan for the future. ① product implement the contents of the safety human resource development training and the results of the verification ② product safety issues community ac...
  • flag_japan


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    Description in English:

    [MT] Cabinet foot Office budget monitoring and efficient team _ 2012 the first meeting (2012. May 11, 2008)
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