5 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Tags: pekerja

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  • flag_malaysia


    Title in English:


    Workers in the reference group by economic activity (Persons) - Resources from Sarawak Labour Department.

    Description in English:

    Workers in the reference group by economic activity (Persons) - Resources from Sarawak Labour Department.
  • flag_malaysia 1 View


    Title in English:


    Bilangan Majikan Aktif dan Pekerja Aktif Mengikut Negeri dan Lingkungan Gaji - sumber PERKESO.

    Description in English:

    [MT] Number of Employers Active and Active Workers Salary by State and Environment - Social security source.
  • flag_malaysia 1 View


    Title in English:


    Pecahan secara terperinci mengenai data pelaburan di Melaka mengikut negara asal di Negeri Melaka

    Description in English:

    Detailed breakdown of investment data in Malacca by country of origin in Malacca State
  • flag_malaysia 1 View


    Title in English:


    Data asas mengenai bilangan kilang dan nilai pelaburan bagi kilang tersebut serta bilangan pekerja mengikut penghasilan produk di Negeri Melaka.

    Description in English:

    Basic data on the number of factories and investment value of the plant as well as the number of workers according to the production of products in the State of Malacca.
  • flag_malaysia


    Title in English:


    Bilangan Pemberhentian Pekerja Negeri Kedah

    Description in English:

    Number of State Employees Retirement
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