152 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Economies: UAE Categories: C. Population and society

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    Title in English:


    PISA هو تقييم عالمي لمرة كل ثلاث سنوات يدرس قدرة الطلاب على استخدام المهارات المعرفية في المجالات الرئيسية لمحو الأمية القراءة ، ومحو الأمية في الرياضيات ومحو الأمية في العلوم....

    Description in English:

    [MT] Pisa is a universal assessment of every three years studying the ability of students to use cognitive skills in key areas for literacy reading, literacy in mathematics and literacy in science. (Mainly in classes 7-12). The International Student Eva...
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات النسبة المئوية ومعدلات الخدمة للأطباء والأسرة الموزعة حسب التخصص الطبي والمنطقة

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set presents the percentage and service rates for doctors and families distributed according to medical and region
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    Title in English:


    The probability that a child born in a specific year or period will die before reaching the age of 1 year, if subject to age-specific mortality rates of that period, expressed...

    Description in English:

    The probability that a child born in a specific year or period will die before reaching the age of 1 year, if subject to age-specific mortality rates of that period, expressed as a rate per 1000 live births. The infant mortality rate is, strictly speaki...
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    Title in English:


    Indicator Definition: "Total number of live births registered in the UAE. ‘‘Live Birth’’ means the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of human...

    Description in English:

    Indicator Definition: "Total number of live births registered in the UAE. ‘‘Live Birth’’ means the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of human conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which, after such expulsion ...
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    Title in English:


    (ملاحظة: الجدول مقسم إلى العديد). تسلط مجموعة البيانات الضوء على توزيع حالات السرطان الخبيثة المشخصة حسب الموقع الأساسي والجنس بين سكان الإمارات العربية المتحدة في عام 2014....

    Description in English:

    [MT] (Note: Table is divided into many). The data set highlights the distribution of malicious cancer situations by the primary and gender between the United Arab Emirates in 2014. The most diagnosed cancers between the UAE population vary significantly...
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    Title in English:


    Indicator Definition: Total number of deaths registered in the UAE. Death is the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live birth has taken place...

    Description in English:

    Indicator Definition: Total number of deaths registered in the UAE. Death is the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live birth has taken place (post-natal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).D...
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات حوادث مرضية مصنفة حسب نوع المرض والعمر والمعدل لكل 100،000 نسمة

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set displays satisfactory accidents classified by the type of disease, age and rate per 100,000
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات عدد الممرضات الموزعات حسب مكان العمل والمنطقة الطبية والجنسية (الجنسية) والجنس.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set displays the number of nurses distributed depending on the workplace, medical and nationality (nationality) and sex.
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    Title in English:


    معدلات الإصابة بالأمراض السارية حسب الفئة العمرية و الجنسية لكل 100،000 نسمة

    Description in English:

    [MT] Injured disease rates by age and nationality per 100,000
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    Title in English:


    تسلط مجموعة البيانات الضوء على معدل المواليد الخام حسب الجنسية (المواطن وغير المواطن) والمنطقة (أبوظبي ، العين ، الظفرة وإمارة أبوظبي) في عام 2016.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set highlighted the raw birth rate by nationality (citizen and non-citizen) and the region (Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Al Dhafra and Abu Dhabi) in 2016.
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    Title in English:


    The probability that a child born in a specific year or period will die before reaching the age of 1 year, if subject to age-specific mortality rates of that period, expressed...

    Description in English:

    The probability that a child born in a specific year or period will die before reaching the age of 1 year, if subject to age-specific mortality rates of that period, expressed as a rate per 1000 live births. The infant mortality rate is, strictly speaki...
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات عدد الزيادة السكانية الموزعة حسب الجنسية (المواطن وغير المواطن) والجنس والمقاطعة.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set presents the number of population distributed by nationality (citizen and non-citizen), sex and county.
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات معدل الإصابة (لكل 100،000 شخص) من الأمراض المعدية المصنفة حسب نوع المرض والمنطقة.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set displays the infection rate (per 100,000 people) from infectious diseases classified by type of disease and area.
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    Title in English:


    The Dataset Presents the Number of Dental Visits,Treatments Dental Clinics and its Attendances by Clinic & Medical District

    Description in English:

    The Dataset Presents the Number of Dental Visits,Treatments Dental Clinics and its Attendances by Clinic & Medical District
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    Title in English:


    تسلط مجموعة البيانات الضوء على معدلات الخصوبة المحددة حسب العمر الموزعة على أساس الفئة العمرية (سبع مجموعات من 15 إلى 49 عامًا) والمنطقة (أبو ظبي والعين والظفرة وإمارة أبوظبي)...

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set highlighted the specific fertility rates depending on the age group (seven groups from 15 to 49 years and the area (Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Dhafra and Emirate of Abu Dhabi) in 2016.
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات إجمالي عدد عيادات الأسنان (المركزية والوحدات) ، والسكان المرتبطين بها ، والقوى العاملة (المتخصصون والممارسون العامون العامون والممرضون والفنيون) الموزعة حسب...

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set is presented to the total number of dental clinics (central and units), associated population and labor force (general and general practitioners and practitioners) distributed by the medical area.
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    Title in English:


    تسلط مجموعة البيانات الضوء على معدل المواليد الخام حسب الجنسية (المواطن وغير المواطن) لأبو ظبي في 2010 و 2014 و 2015 و 2016.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set highlighted the raw birth rate by nationality (citizen and non-citizen) for Abu Dhabi in 2010, 2014, 2015 and 2016.
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    Title in English:


    The dataset highlights the general fertility rate by citizenship (citizen and non-citizen) and region (Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Al Dhafra and Abu Dhabi emirate) in 2016

    Description in English:

    The dataset highlights the general fertility rate by citizenship (citizen and non-citizen) and region (Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Al Dhafra and Abu Dhabi emirate) in 2016
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    Title in English:


    This dataset indicates the general indicators of Fujairah Emirate

    Description in English:

    This dataset indicates the general indicators of Fujairah Emirate
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    Title in English:


    This dataset indicates the births, deaths, and natural population increase by nationality and gender for the Emirate of Fujairah

    Description in English:

    This dataset indicates the births, deaths, and natural population increase by nationality and gender for the Emirate of Fujairah