35 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Economies: Singapore Formats: CSV

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  • flag_singapore 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Data on workplace safety and health are compiled based on incident reports made by employers, occupiers and medical practitioners in the fulfilment of their obligations under...

    Description in English:

    Data on workplace safety and health are compiled based on incident reports made by employers, occupiers and medical practitioners in the fulfilment of their obligations under the Workplace Safety and Health (Incident Reporting) Regulations.
  • flag_singapore 5 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    Number of companies, amount of chargeable income and net tax assessed of taxable companies by economic sectors for Year of Assessment (YA)2004 to YA2018. Income is assessed on a...

    Description in English:

    Number of companies, amount of chargeable income and net tax assessed of taxable companies by economic sectors for Year of Assessment (YA)2004 to YA2018. Income is assessed on a preceding year basis. The basis period for any YA is the financial year end...
  • flag_singapore 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Number of GST-registered businesses, percentage of businesses in net GST refund position, amount and percentage of net GST contribution with breakdown by economic sectors for...

    Description in English:

    Number of GST-registered businesses, percentage of businesses in net GST refund position, amount and percentage of net GST contribution with breakdown by economic sectors for Financial Year (FY)2004 to FY2018.
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    This table shows the number of trade disputes referred for conciliation by the nature of the disputes

    Description in English:

    This table shows the number of trade disputes referred for conciliation by the nature of the disputes
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Measured from the start of the lifespan of Semakau landfill, i.e. 1999

    Description in English:

    * Measured from the start of the lifespan of Semakau landfill, i.e. 1999
  • flag_singapore 7 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    Megawatt-hours (MWh) produced (per year) from waste incineration

    Description in English:

    Megawatt-hours (MWh) produced (per year) from waste incineration
  • flag_singapore 4 Views


    Title in English:


    Recycling rate (%) of waste (by type) generated & recycled per year

    Description in English:

    Recycling rate (%) of waste (by type) generated & recycled per year
  • flag_singapore 4 Views


    Title in English:


    This dataset contains information on general waste collectors (e.g. Licenses, Details). Please visit here for more information:...

    Description in English:

    This dataset contains information on general waste collectors (e.g. Licenses, Details). Please visit here for more information: http://www.nea.gov.sg/services-forms/licences-permits-building-plan-clearances/waste-management-industry/general-waste-col...
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    Million tonnes of waste recycled per year Singapore’s Sustainable Blueprint target for 2030 is 70% for overall recycling rate, 30% for domestic recycling rate and 81% for...

    Description in English:

    Million tonnes of waste recycled per year Singapore’s Sustainable Blueprint target for 2030 is 70% for overall recycling rate, 30% for domestic recycling rate and 81% for non-domestic recycling rate.
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Million tonnes of non-domestic waste disposed of per year

    Description in English:

    Million tonnes of non-domestic waste disposed of per year
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Percentage of population with access to waste collection services

    Description in English:

    Percentage of population with access to waste collection services
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Million tonnes of waste incinerated per year

    Description in English:

    Million tonnes of waste incinerated per year
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Kilogram of domestic waste disposed per day per person

    Description in English:

    Kilogram of domestic waste disposed per day per person
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Million tons of domestic waste disposed per year

    Description in English:

    Million tons of domestic waste disposed per year
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Million tonnes of waste landfilled per year Total waste landfilled includes non-incinerable waste such as construction and demolition waste, used slag and treated sludge etc....

    Description in English:

    Million tonnes of waste landfilled per year Total waste landfilled includes non-incinerable waste such as construction and demolition waste, used slag and treated sludge etc. and excludes incineration ash generated from waste disposed through incin...
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Million tonnes of waste generated per year Total waste generated is the sum of Total waste recycled, Total waste incinerated and Total waste landfilled

    Description in English:

    Million tonnes of waste generated per year Total waste generated is the sum of Total waste recycled, Total waste incinerated and Total waste landfilled
  • flag_singapore 6 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    Fiscal position may not be fully comparable across financial years due to the reclassification of revenue and expenditure items over time. The Government's financial year...

    Description in English:

    Fiscal position may not be fully comparable across financial years due to the reclassification of revenue and expenditure items over time. The Government's financial year begins on 1 April of the current year and ends on 31 March of the following ye...
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    SOURCE: MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND WATER RESOURCES, NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Data exclude metals recovered from incineration bottom ash in a new metal recovery facility...

    Description in English:

    SOURCE: MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND WATER RESOURCES, NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Data exclude metals recovered from incineration bottom ash in a new metal recovery facility commissioned in 2015.
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Whole Roads or Section of Roads including lane maintained by LTA. Collector roads are built primarily to feed traffic from local onto arterial roads. It also provides access to...

    Description in English:

    Whole Roads or Section of Roads including lane maintained by LTA. Collector roads are built primarily to feed traffic from local onto arterial roads. It also provides access to adjacent land uses. Local access roads provide access to various types o...
  • flag_singapore 6 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    List of Schools with Specialised Facilities/Resources to Support Special Educational Needs. Notes: The table lists the schools that are resourced with the following facilities...

    Description in English:

    List of Schools with Specialised Facilities/Resources to Support Special Educational Needs. Notes: The table lists the schools that are resourced with the following facilities and/or specialised staff to support their students with special educati...