28 datasets found

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  • flag_thailand 2 Views


    Title in English:


    ที่ตั้งชุมชนในพื้นที่เขตกรุงเทพมหานคร ชุมชนหมายถึง ชุมชนแออัด ชุมชนชานเมือง เคหะชุมชน หมู่บ้านจัดสรร และชุมชนเมืองที่กรุงเทพมหานครกำหนดขึ้น...

    Description in English:

    [MT] The community in Bangkok. Community refers to the slum community of suburban housing, community housing. Bangkok and urban set up. The Bangkok Declaration made by accordance with the rules of the community. 1. Warren represents the majority of ...
  • flag_thailand 4 Views


    Title in English:


    ชั้นข้อมูลที่ตั้งสวนสัตว์ในพื้นที่เขตกรุงเทพมหานคร 1.สวนสัตว์เป็นสถานที่จัดแสดงสัตว์ป่าที่จับมาได้จากป่าใหญ่ หรือนำเข้าจากต่างประเทศ...

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data layer is a zoo in Bangkok. 1. zoo as a place to exhibit animals captured from the wild. Or imported from abroad And contributed research to study the conservation of wildlife of all kinds. They are wild animals, reptiles, birds. And fis...
  • flag_thailand 1 View


    Title in English:


    ชั้นข้อมูลตลาดน้ำในพื้นที่เขตกรุงเทพมหานคร ตลาดน้ำ เป็นตลาดกึ่งชนบท ผสมผสานระหว่างชีวิตริมน้ำกับธรรมชาติ พ่อค้า แม่ค้า ซึ่งก็คือชาวสวนในพื้นที่นั้นๆ จะนำผลผลิตจากสวน...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Floating layers in Bangkok. Floating is a semi-rural market Mix of waterfront living with nature, that is, vendors, gardeners in the area. Bring produce from the garden Including fresh fruit, vegetables, plants, fish and animals in the water. So...
  • flag_thailand 2 Views


    Title in English:


    ที่ตั้งโรงเรียนเกษตรทฤษฎีใหม่ตามแนวพระราชดำริ โรงเรียนเกษตรทฤษฎีใหม่ตามแนวพระราชดำริตั้งขึ้นเพื่อสนองตามพระราชดำรัสของพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว เพื่อเฉลิมฉลองการรองราชย์ครบ 60...

    Description in English:

    [MT] The school New Theory works. School New Theory works started to meet His Majesty the King. With training and sent staff to visit the actual space. To educate and guide the New Theory full to farmers in the area. The proportion of the area into 3...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] This information is marked Forest Service mountainous phone can communicate reference points, factors mountainous terrain, climate, electricity supply and other communications vulnerable quality, please reference.
  • flag_korea 2 Views


    Title in English:


    주요 요식업 집적 상권의 변화를 공간기반으로 분석하여 요식업 입지 및 창업마케팅 자료로서 활용 샘플데이터 입니다.

    Description in English:

    It is sample data that is used as location data and start-up marketing data by analyzing the change of the main food business accumulation area based on space.
  • flag_korea 4 Views


    Title in English:


    음식물 쓰레기 다량 배출 업소 정보를 공간기반으로 제공하여 정책 분석자료로서 활용 샘플데이터 입니다.

    Description in English:

    It is sample data that is used as policy analysis data by providing information of large amount of food waste discharged places based on space.
  • flag_korea 1 View


    Title in English:


    토지를 경제적,효율적으로 이용하고 토지이용의 종합적 조정,관리등을 위하여 도시관리계획으로 결정하는 지역정보(국토계획/농림지역)

    Description in English:

    Regional information determined by urban management plan for economic and efficient use of land and comprehensive adjustment and management of land use (National Land Plan / Agricultural Area)
  • flag_korea 3 Views


    Title in English:


    국토정보지리원 연속수치지형도 낚시터 데이터

    Description in English:

    National Geographic Information Institute
  • flag_korea 6 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    토지를 경제적,효율적으로 이용하고 토지이용의 종합적 조정,관리등을 위하여 도시관리계획으로 결정하는 지역정보(영농여건불리농지/영농여건불리농지)

    Description in English:

    Regional information determined by urban management plan for economic and efficient use of land and for comprehensive coordination and management of land use (agricultural farming farmland / agricultural farming farmland)
  • flag_korea 7 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    토지를 경제적,효율적으로 이용하고 토지이용의 종합적 조정,관리등을 위하여 도시관리계획으로 결정하는 지역정보(농지/농업진흥지역)

    Description in English:

    Regional information determined by urban management plan for economic and efficient use of land and comprehensive adjustment and management of land use (farmland / agricultural promotion area)
  • flag_korea 3 Views


    Title in English:


    토지를 경제적,효율적으로 이용하고 토지이용의 종합적 조정,관리등을 위하여 도시관리계획으로 결정하는 지역정보(농업생산기반시설/주변지역활용구역)

    Description in English:

    Regional information determined by urban management plan for economic and efficient use of land and comprehensive adjustment and management of land use (agricultural production infrastructure / area utilization area)
  • flag_korea 1 View


    Title in English:


    토지를 경제적,효율적으로 이용하고 토지이용의 종합적 조정,관리등을 위하여 도시관리계획으로 결정하는 지역정보(농업/기타용도지역지구)

    Description in English:

    Regional information determined by urban management plan for economic and efficient use of land and comprehensive adjustment and management of land use (Agricultural / Other Use Area District)
  • flag_korea 1 View


    Title in English:


    수질측정망 농업용수 지점 정보

    Description in English:

    Water Quality Monitoring Branch
  • flag_korea 2 Views


    Title in English:


    토지를 경제적,효율적으로 이용하고 토지이용의 종합적 조정,관리등을 위하여 도시관리계획으로 결정하는 지역정보(수산/무인도서)

    Description in English:

    Regional information determined by city management plan for economic and efficient use of land and comprehensive adjustment and management of land use
  • flag_korea 1 View


    Title in English:


    토지를 경제적,효율적으로 이용하고 토지이용의 종합적 조정,관리등을 위하여 도시관리계획으로 결정하는 지역정보(농어촌정비/농어촌정비)

    Description in English:

    Regional information determined by urban management plan for economic and efficient use of land and comprehensive adjustment and management of land use
  • flag_korea 2 Views


    Title in English:


    토지를 경제적,효율적으로 이용하고 토지이용의 종합적 조정,관리등을 위하여 도시관리계획으로 결정하는 지역정보(수산/어항구역(육역))

    Description in English:

    Regional information determined by urban management plan for economic and efficient use of land and comprehensive adjustment and management of land use
  • flag_korea 1 View


    Title in English:


    토지이용상황 즉 도시, 농업(논, 밭), 산림(성립, 미성립), 공업, 자연 및 문화재, 유보지역 등 6단계로 구분하여 필지별로 상세히 표시된 지도

    Description in English:

    Detailed maps by land, divided into six stages: land use, namely cities, agriculture (paddy fields), forests (established or unestablished), industrial, natural and cultural assets, and reservation areas.
  • flag_korea 3 Views


    Title in English:


    패스트푸드점 정보를 공간기반으로 제공하여 신규 점포 입지 선정 기반자료로서 활용 샘플데이터 입니다.

    Description in English:

    Provides fast food restaurant information on a space-based sample data used as a basis for selecting new store locations.
  • flag_korea 2 Views


    Title in English:


    토지를 경제적,효율적으로 이용하고 토지이용의 종합적 조정,관리등을 위하여 도시관리계획으로 결정하는 지역정보(산림자원/산림자원조성관리)

    Description in English:

    Regional information determined by urban management plan for economic and efficient use of land and comprehensive adjustment and management of land use (forest resources / forest resource composition management)