Department of Health and Family Welfare 2015-2016
Total Union Budget allocation for the Department of Health and Family Welfare under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It contains budgetary allocations for expenditures related to various Medical Institutions, Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS), Medical Education Training & Research, National Health Mission etc.
Maklumat tambahan
Medan | Nilai |
Maklumat kemas kini terakhir | November 18, 2016 |
Data tafsiran terakhir dikemas kini | Tidak diketahui |
Buat | Tidak diketahui |
Format | CSV |
Kebenaran | Creative Commons Attribution |
Buat | Lebih daripada 8 tahun yang lalu |
format | CSV |
has views | True |
id | e2806b13-c8dd-426a-85d9-96db7c763b4f |
last modified | Lebih daripada 8 tahun yang lalu |
owner org | department-of-health-and-family-welfare |
package id | b6c6b35a-1707-430e-a6ea-cdbc67298bd6 |
revision id | 9649c592-b01d-4e0e-bf2d-ef8d8028236e |
state | active |
webstore last updated | None |
webstore url | None |