Department of Health and Family Welfare 2015-2016


Total Union Budget allocation for the Department of Health and Family Welfare under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It contains budgetary allocations for expenditures related to various Medical Institutions, Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS), Medical Education Training & Research, National Health Mission etc.

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Maklumat kemas kini terakhir November 18, 2016
Data tafsiran terakhir dikemas kini Tidak diketahui
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Format CSV
Kebenaran Creative Commons Attribution
BuatLebih daripada 8 tahun yang lalu
has viewsTrue
last modifiedLebih daripada 8 tahun yang lalu
owner orgdepartment-of-health-and-family-welfare
package idb6c6b35a-1707-430e-a6ea-cdbc67298bd6
revision id9649c592-b01d-4e0e-bf2d-ef8d8028236e
webstore last updatedNone
webstore urlNone