Union Territories Without Legislature (Dadra ...
Total Union Budget allocation for the Union Territories Without Legislature (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) under the Ministry of Home Affairs. It contains budgetary allocations for interventions in the Union Territory by the Union Government across various departments like Police, Education, Forestry and Wildlife, Transport, Agriculture and Allied Activities, Rural Development, Health and others.
Maklumat tambahan
Medan | Nilai |
Maklumat kemas kini terakhir | November 21, 2016 |
Data tafsiran terakhir dikemas kini | Tidak diketahui |
Buat | Tidak diketahui |
Format | CSV |
Kebenaran | Creative Commons Attribution |
Buat | Lebih daripada 8 tahun yang lalu |
format | CSV |
has views | True |
id | 2949da64-b708-4132-8c77-30d10ea04138 |
last modified | Lebih daripada 8 tahun yang lalu |
owner org | union-territories-without-legislature-dadra-and-nagar-haveli |
package id | d6bccb82-b7b0-4265-b9c1-fce81af2142c |
revision id | 584b0e79-a435-40ca-b9ab-2ca2e9e3ee0b |
state | active |
webstore last updated | None |
webstore url | None |