Hospitals and Manpower by Title and Medical ...
The dataset presents the total number of hospital beds, and total number of hospital employees distributed by hospital name, hospital specialty, and medical district for 2005.
Maklumat tambahan
Medan | Nilai |
Maklumat kemas kini terakhir | Oktober 6, 2019 |
Data tafsiran terakhir dikemas kini | Tidak diketahui |
Buat | Tidak diketahui |
Format | CSV |
Kebenaran | Creative Commons Attribution |
Buat | Lebih daripada 5 tahun yang lalu |
format | CSV |
has views | True |
id | 0a173231-4339-41d3-bc85-982d1a281da4 |
last modified | Lebih daripada 5 tahun yang lalu |
package id | 05d2c2b0-63f8-4754-a756-f2a11a7f0bb6 |
position | 3 |
revision id | 1f7f386e-a130-45a1-b58b-1d356c0896dd |
state | active |