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Direktori Data: data.gov.tw Format: CSV Kategori Subjek: C. Population and society

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    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    高雄市鹽埕區公所106年度施政計畫提要   本計畫依據高雄市政府106年度施政綱要,配合核定預算額度,並賡續上年度施政成效斟酌區政建設實際需要,以「市民作主」為主軸,並將「最愛生活在高雄」作為施政總目標,編訂106年度施政計畫,其要點及重大施政目標如次:...

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] Kaohsiung Yancheng District Office 106 annual policy plan summary This project in accordance with the Kaohsiung City Government 106 annual policy framework, with the approved budget amount, and last year the government continued Geng construction ...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:



    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] 1. This study has two main objectives, first, to optimize the economic benefits of innovation and technology measure, to master effective outcomes in different areas of the legal department designed plan; at the same time, continue to accumulate re...
  • flag_taiwan 4 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:



    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] Population within the jurisdiction of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service District, the number of home and the declaration of Business Statistics
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    全球均面臨人口結構老化的重要課題,我國速度又位居世界前段班,這將是臺灣國家發展的嚴肅課題,但也可視為我國銀髮相關聯產業的發展契機。 亞太地區銀髮商機屬全球之最,南臺灣的人口老化程度居全臺之冠,如何透過南臺灣的產業發展優勢,及氣候條件、人文地理歷史背景 ,發展出國際區域銀髮養老產業,值得深思。

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] The world are faced with an important issue of demographic aging, the speed of our country and among the world's top class, it would be a serious issue of Taiwan's national development, but also as a development opportunity for our Seniors associat...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 3 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 3 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:



    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] This data set is a unique COA Species Research Center for Applied social platform Facebook set up a "Mu City of Light - Moth World" societies, shared by the members of the association and moth photo provided camera date and place, especially by the...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:



    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] The new treatment penetration rate is calculated based on the construction of sewerage fifth amendment to the plan to take over the household multiplied by the number of households divided by the total amount of county and city population derived f...
  • flag_taiwan 5 Views Popular


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫,篩檢統計至2014.02.08。 備註:1.篩檢率計算方式:近2年曾接受過大腸癌篩檢人數 / 當年12月50-69歲人口數。 2.2010年起,全面提供50-69歲民眾2年1次糞便潛血檢查。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Data by February, 8, 2014....

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] Source: Department of cancer screening database, statistical screening to 2014.02.08. Note: 1 screening rate calculation: the past two years had received a large number of colorectal cancer screening / year on Dec. 50-69 year-old population. 2. Sin...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫,篩檢統計至2014.02.08。 備註:1.篩檢率計算方式:近2年曾接受過大腸癌篩檢人數 / 當年12月50-69歲人口數。 2.2010年起,全面提供50-69歲民眾2年1次糞便潛血檢查。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Data by February, 8, 2014....

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] Source: Department of cancer screening database, statistical screening to 2014.02.08. Note: 1 screening rate calculation: the past two years had received a large number of colorectal cancer screening / year on Dec. 50-69 year-old population. 2. Sin...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫,篩檢統計至2014.02.08。 備註:1.篩檢率計算方式:近2年曾接受過大腸癌篩檢人數 / 當年12月50-69歲人口數。 2.2010年起,全面提供50-69歲民眾2年1次糞便潛血檢查。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Data by February, 8, 2014....

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] Source: Department of cancer screening database, statistical screening to 2014.02.08. Note: 1 screening rate calculation: the past two years had received a large number of colorectal cancer screening / year on Dec. 50-69 year-old population. 2. Sin...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    資料來源:本署健康危害行為監測調查。 備註:百分比經加權調整。 Source:Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System. Note:All percentage were weighted.

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] Source: Department Health Hazards Behavioral Surveillance Survey. Note: The percentage of the weighted adjusted. Source: Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System Note:. All percentage were weighted.
  • flag_taiwan 4 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    資料來源:本署健康危害行為監測調查。 備註:百分比經加權調整。 Source:Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System. Note:All percentage were weighted.

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] Source: Department Health Hazards Behavioral Surveillance Survey. Note: The percentage of the weighted adjusted. Source: Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System Note:. All percentage were weighted.
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    資料來源:本署健康危害行為監測調查。 備註:百分比經加權調整。 Source:Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System. Note:All percentage were weighted.

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    [MT] Source: Department Health Hazards Behavioral Surveillance Survey. Note: The percentage of the weighted adjusted. Source: Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System Note:. All percentage were weighted.
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