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แบบรายงานแผน/ผลการปฏิบัติการจัดซื้อจัดจ้างของกรมอุทยานแห่งชาติ สัตว์ป่า และพันธุ์พืชTerangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
[MT] Plan reporting form/procurement results of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
This dataset shows the MSMEs Employment by Kind of Economic Activity, 2015 - 2021 The values for year 2020 are estimate The values for year 2021 are preliminaryTerangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
This dataset shows the MSMEs Employment by Kind of Economic Activity, 2015 - 2021The values for year 2020 are estimateThe values for year 2021 are preliminary -
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ขอบเขตงานจ้าง ภายใต้โครงการชุมชนเรียนรู้หัตถกรรมTerangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
[MT] Scope of employment Under the community learning project -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
ชุดข้อมูลภาพรวมแผนงาน และการจัดจ้าง รวมถึงขอบเขตการดำเนินโครงการรายปี ประกอบด้วย แผนงาน,งบประมาณ,ระยะเวลาการดำเนินการ,ขอบเขตการดำเนินงาน,ผลผลิต, ผลลัพธ์, งวดเงิน, link download...Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
[MT] Overall data set And employment Including the annual project scope Consisting of plans, budgets, operations period, Operations, productivity, results, silver, link download tor, project approval number, the date of the project approval, contract si... -
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Sarawak Employment by Education AttainmentTerangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
Sarawak Employment by Education Attainment -
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This dataset shows the Percentage Distribution of Employed Persons by Ethnic Group, 2000 - 2020, Malaysia. Footnote The 2011-2014 statistics was updated based on the year's...Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
This dataset shows the Percentage Distribution of Employed Persons by Ethnic Group, 2000 - 2020, Malaysia.Footnote The 2011-2014 statistics was updated based on the year's population estimates. Source : Department of Statistics, Malaysia -
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This data set shows the number of employed persons working less than 30 hours by urban and rural strata for year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force...Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons working less than 30 hours by urban and rural strata for year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is conducted every month using household approach. Employed ... -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons working less than 30 hours by sex for year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is...Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons working less than 30 hours by sex for year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is conducted every month using household approach. Employed persons are those b... -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons working less than 30 hours, 1982-2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is conducted every month...Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons working less than 30 hours, 1982-2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is conducted every month using household approach. Employed persons are those between the working ag... -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons by occupation for all states in Malaysia for year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS)...Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons by occupation for all states in Malaysia for year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is conducted every month using household approach from 1982-2020.Employe... -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons by marital status for all states in Malaysia from year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey...Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons by marital status for all states in Malaysia from year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is conducted every month using household approach. Employed persons... -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
This data set shows the percentage of employed persons by ethnic group and states in Malaysia from year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS)...Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
This data set shows the percentage of employed persons by ethnic group and states in Malaysia from year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is conducted every month using household approach. Employed persons a... -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons by urban and rural strata for all states in Malaysia from year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force...Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons by urban and rural strata for all states in Malaysia from year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is conducted every month using household approach. Employed... -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons for all states in Malaysia from year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is...Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons for all states in Malaysia from year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is conducted every month using household approach. Employed persons are those between... -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons by sex for all states in Malaysia for year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is...Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
This data set shows the number of employed persons by sex for all states in Malaysia for year 1982 until 2020. The statistics is derived from Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is conducted every month using household approach. Employed persons are those b... -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
Data Perjawatan Gred 44 Kebawah bagi Kementerian Tenaga dan Sumber Asli (KeTSA) Tahun 2021Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
[MT] Grade 44 Occupation Data for the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KETSA) Year 2021 -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
Data ini menerangkan tentang Bilangan Perjawatan Kementerian,Jabatan,Agensi KPLB Bagi Tahun 2020Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
[MT] This data describes the number of Ministry, Department, KPLB agencies, KPLB agencies for 2020 -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
人力資源調查就業者之平均每週主要工作時數-按行業與職業分Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
[MT] The average employment of human resources survey mainly hours worked per week - by industry and occupation points -
Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:
人力資源調查就業者之主要工作每週工作時數-按從業身分分Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:
[MT] The main employment of human resources survey number of hours worked per week - divided by practitioners of identity