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Kandungan versi bahasa Inggeris dihasilkan oleh perisian alat terjemahan, makna semantik mungkin tidak tepat

Kategori Subjek: A. Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food

Hasil penapis
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    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    Production of Agricultural Commodities from 1998/99-2012/13, Environment Statistics of Nepal 2013

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Production of Agricultural Commodities from 1998/99-2012/13, Environment Statistics of Nepal 2013
  • flag_nepal 7 Views Popular


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    Fish Production, Average Price and Value of Production by Species, Nepal Fishery Survey 2072

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Fish Production, Average Price and Value of Production by Species, Nepal Fishery Survey 2072
  • flag_nepal 5 Views Popular


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    Current Expenditure of Fish Farming by District, Nepal Fishery Survey 2072

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Current Expenditure of Fish Farming by District, Nepal Fishery Survey 2072
  • flag_nepal 3 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    Education Status of Fish Farmer by District, Nepal Fishery Survey 2072

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Education Status of Fish Farmer by District, Nepal Fishery Survey 2072
  • flag_nepal 2 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    Forest cover for different physiographic zones in the ER Program Area, Ministry of Forests and Environment, People and Forests- A Sustainable Forest Management-Based Emission...

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Forest cover for different physiographic zones in the ER Program Area, Ministry of Forests and Environment, People and Forests- A Sustainable Forest Management-Based Emission Reduction Program in the Terai Arc Landscape, September 2017
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    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    उच्च मूल्यका कृषि उपज प्रशोधन उद्योगको अनुदानको लागि स्वीकृत भएका सहकारी सस्थाहरु, कृषि विकास मंत्रालयबाट खिचिएको ।

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Cooperative societies approved for the grant of high value agricultural produce processing industry, drawn from the Ministry of Agriculture Development.
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    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    This dataset contains the data of forest user group by development regions up to year 2072.

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    This dataset contains the data of forest user group by development regions up to year 2072.
  • flag_nepal 1 View


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    The area, production and yield of Cereal Crops form facial year 1984/85 AD to 2013-2014 AD. It contains data of Area in Hectare, Production in Metric Tons and Yield in Kg....

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    The area, production and yield of Cereal Crops form facial year 1984/85 AD to 2013-2014 AD. It contains data of Area in Hectare, Production in Metric Tons and Yield in Kg. per Hectare. This dataset is retrieved from Statistical on Nepalese Agric...
  • flag_nepal 2 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    The area, production and yield of Cash Crops form 1984/85 AD to 2013-2014 AD. It contains data of Area in Hectare, Production in Metric Tons and Yield in Kg. per Hectare. This...

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    The area, production and yield of Cash Crops form 1984/85 AD to 2013-2014 AD. It contains data of Area in Hectare, Production in Metric Tons and Yield in Kg. per Hectare. This dataset is retrieved from Statistical on Nepalese Agriculture Report 2013/20...
  • flag_nepal 3 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    Livostock Population(form 2007/08-2016/17)

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Livostock Population(form 2007/08-2016/17)
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    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    This dataset is retrieved from Statistical on Nepalese Agriculture Report 2013/2014 published by Agribusiness Promotional and Statistics Division (Government of Nepal)

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    This dataset is retrieved from Statistical on Nepalese Agriculture Report 2013/2014 published by Agribusiness Promotional and Statistics Division (Government of Nepal)
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    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    AREA, PRODUCTION AND YIELD OF CEREAL CROPS IN DISTRICTS, 2014/2015. This data is retried from Statical Information on Nepalese Agriculture. Report published by Agri-Business...

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    AREA, PRODUCTION AND YIELD OF CEREAL CROPS IN DISTRICTS, 2014/2015. This data is retried from Statical Information on Nepalese Agriculture. Report published by Agri-Business Promotion and Statistics Division.
  • flag_nepal 2 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    The table represents the percentage distribution of households by sources of household income. Agriculture occupies the largest share (79.5%) of income source of the households...

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    The table represents the percentage distribution of households by sources of household income. Agriculture occupies the largest share (79.5%) of income source of the households followed by salary/wage (38.4%) and remittance (29.5%). Among the eco-develo...
  • flag_nepal 3 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    The coffee production dataset by District from Ministry of Agriculture.

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    The coffee production dataset by District from Ministry of Agriculture.
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    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    Tea: Area and Production by Districts Source: STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON NEPALESE AGRICULTURE 2073/74 (2016/17)

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Tea: Area and Production by Districts Source: STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON NEPALESE AGRICULTURE 2073/74 (2016/17)
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    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    The table shows percentage distribution of household head by occupation under several categories. Agriculture (58.51%) is reported by the majority as the household occupation....

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    The table shows percentage distribution of household head by occupation under several categories. Agriculture (58.51%) is reported by the majority as the household occupation. Households in Kathmandu Valley largely depend on non-agribusiness (33.09%). H...
  • flag_nepal 3 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    Wool Production: Area and Production by Districts Source: STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON NEPALESE AGRICULTURE 2073/74 (2016/17) - Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Wool Production: Area and Production by Districts Source: STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON NEPALESE AGRICULTURE 2073/74 (2016/17) - Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development
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    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    Jute: Area and Production by Districts Source: STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON NEPALESE AGRICULTURE 2073/74 (2016/17) ministry of Agriculture and livestock development

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Jute: Area and Production by Districts Source: STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON NEPALESE AGRICULTURE 2073/74 (2016/17) ministry of Agriculture and livestock development
  • flag_nepal 3 Views


    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    Egg Production: Area and Production by Districts Source: STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON NEPALESE AGRICULTURE 2073/74 (2016/17) - Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Egg Production: Area and Production by Districts Source: STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON NEPALESE AGRICULTURE 2073/74 (2016/17) - Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development
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    Terjemahan tajuk Inggeris:


    Cotton: Area and Production by Districts Source: STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON NEPALESE AGRICULTURE 2073/74 (2016/17) Ministry of Agriculture and livestock development

    Terangkan terjemahan Bahasa Inggeris:

    Cotton: Area and Production by Districts Source: STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON NEPALESE AGRICULTURE 2073/74 (2016/17) Ministry of Agriculture and livestock development