พบ 8 ชุดข้อมูล

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Categories: J. Health แท็ค: Hospitals

  • flag_saudi_arabia 2 Views


    Title in English:


    أسرة مستشفيات الجهات الحكومية الأخرى حسب التخصص خلال عام 1439 هـ (2018م)

    Description in English:

    Hospital Beds in Other Governmental Sector by Speciality during 1439H (2018G)
  • flag_uae 3 Views


    Title in English:


    This dataset indicates the general indicators of Fujairah Emirate

    Description in English:

    This dataset indicates the general indicators of Fujairah Emirate
  • flag_saudi_arabia 2 Views


    Title in English:


    المستشفيات والأسرة بجميع القطاعات الصحية بالمملكة حسب الجهة ومعدل الأسرة لكل 10000 من السكان في الأعوام من 1435ه إلى 1439 ه (2014م-2018م)

    Description in English:

    Hospitals and Beds in All Health Sectors of KSA and Rate of Beds per 10000 population during 1435 and 1439H (2014-2018G)
  • flag_uae 1 View


    Title in English:


    تقدم مجموعة البيانات إحصاءات حول المستشفيات الحكومية (عدد الأسرة) والموظفين (الأطباء وأطباء الأسنان والصيادلة والممرضات والفنيين وغيرهم).

    Description in English:

    [MT] Data Group provides statistics on government hospitals (family number) and staff (doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, technicians and others).
  • flag_saudi_arabia


    Title in English:


    المستشفيات والأسرة بالقطاعات الصحية بالمملكة حسب المنطقة خلال عام 1439 هـ (2018م)

    Description in English:

    Hospitals and Beds in KSA Health Sectors by Region during 1439H (2018G)
  • flag_uae 2 Views


    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the total number and type of medical establishments (Hospitals, Primary Health Centre, Student Health Center, Maternal and Child Health, and Dental)...

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the total number and type of medical establishments (Hospitals, Primary Health Centre, Student Health Center, Maternal and Child Health, and Dental) distributed by medical district.
  • flag_nepal 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Total Employees of Private Hospitals by Area,Type and Bed category

    Description in English:

    Total Employees of Private Hospitals by Area,Type and Bed category
  • flag_singapore 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Top 10 conditions of hospitalization Notes: The ranking of disease conditions would exclude ill-defined conditions and non-disease entities such as legally induced abortion,...

    Description in English:

    Top 10 conditions of hospitalization Notes: 1. The ranking of disease conditions would exclude ill-defined conditions and non-disease entities such as legally induced abortion, normal and assisted delivery, prematurity, physiological jaundice in ...
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