พบ 133 ชุดข้อมูล

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

สัญญาอนุญาต: Creative Commons Attribution รูปแบบ: CSV Catalogues: data.bayanat.ae

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    Title in English:


    ATA Carnet هي مستند جمركي دولي يسمح باستيراد البضائع معفاة من الرسوم ومعفاة من الضرائب لمدة تصل إلى عام واحد. الأحرف الأولى "ATA" هي اختصار للكلمات الفرنسية والإنجليزية "Adpor...

    Description in English:

    [MT] ATA CARNET is an international customs document that allows the imported goods and taxpayers for up to one year. The first characters "ATA" are a shortcut for French and English "ADPOR Temporaire / Temporary Admission". Professional equipment. Good...
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    Title in English:


    A Certificate of Origin (CO) is a document declaring that goods in a particular international shipment are of a certain origin. The issuance of Certificate of Origin to products...

    Description in English:

    A Certificate of Origin (CO) is a document declaring that goods in a particular international shipment are of a certain origin. The issuance of Certificate of Origin to products being exported is implemented in compliance with an international agreement...
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات إجمالي عدد الصيدليات والقوى العاملة ذات الصلة (الصيدلي ومساعد الصيدلي) التي وزعت حسب المنطقة الطبية.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set is subject to the total number of pharmacies and relevant manpower (pharmacist and pharmacist) distributed by the medical area.
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات إجمالي عدد المستشفيات والأسرة والأطباء والممرضات الموزعة حسب التخصص الطبي (عام ، أمراض النساء والتوليد ، أمراض الرئة ، إعادة التأهيل ، والطب النفسي) ،...

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set is presented to the total number of hospitals, family, doctors and nurses distributed according to medical specialization (General, gynecology and gynecology, lung diseases, rehabilitation, psychiatry), and area of ​​2002.
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات عدد الممرضات الموزعات حسب مكان العمل والمنطقة الطبية والجنسية (الجنسية) والجنس.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set displays the number of nurses distributed depending on the workplace, medical and nationality (nationality) and sex.
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the total number of employees distributed by hospital, hospital specialty, and medical district.

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the total number of employees distributed by hospital, hospital specialty, and medical district.
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the total number of employees distributed by job category, job title, nationality (Citizens and Non-Citizens), medical district, and sex.

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the total number of employees distributed by job category, job title, nationality (Citizens and Non-Citizens), medical district, and sex.
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the number of manpower distributed by job category (Consultant, Specialist, Practitioner, Dentist, Pharmacist, Nurse, etc), nationality (citizenship), and...

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the number of manpower distributed by job category (Consultant, Specialist, Practitioner, Dentist, Pharmacist, Nurse, etc), nationality (citizenship), and district for 2002.
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the number of nurses distributed by place of work, specialty, nationality (citizenship), and sex.

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the number of nurses distributed by place of work, specialty, nationality (citizenship), and sex.
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    Title in English:


    Nurses by Category, Medical District, Nationality, and Sex

    Description in English:

    Nurses by Category, Medical District, Nationality, and Sex
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات عدد الأطباء الذين تم توزيعهم حسب التخصص والإمارة لعام 2002.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set presents the number of doctors distributed by specialization and emirate for 2002.
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the total number of hospital beds, distributed by hospital name, specialty, medical district, and percent of total hospital beds in UAE

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the total number of hospital beds, distributed by hospital name, specialty, medical district, and percent of total hospital beds in UAE
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    Title in English:


    تقدم مجموعة البيانات مجموع خدمات طب الأعشاب حسب التخصص والجنس والجنسية (الجنسية).

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set offers total herb medicine services according to specialization, sex and nationality (nationality).
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the total number of medical manpower (Doctor, Technician, Pharmacist, Practitioner, Administrator, etc.) distributed by centers per district.

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the total number of medical manpower (Doctor, Technician, Pharmacist, Practitioner, Administrator, etc.) distributed by centers per district.
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات عدد الوفيات سنويًا موزعة حسب سبب الوفاة والجنس والجنسية

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set presents the number of deaths annually distributed according to the cause of death, sex and nationality
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات إجمالي المخصصات والميزانية الفعلية الموزعة حسب الأقسام (الخدمات الوقائية ، خدمات العلاج ، والاستراتيجية) لعام 2002

    Description in English:

    [MT] Data group The total allocations and actual budget distributed depending on sections (preventive services, treatment services, and strategy) for 2002
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات عدد الوفيات العرضية في السنة الموزعة حسب السبب الخارجي للوفاة والجنس والجنسية لعام 2002.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data group presents the number of casual deaths in the year distributed according to the external cause of death, sex and nationality for 2002.
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the number of nurses distributed by place of work, specialty, and sex for 2002.

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the number of nurses distributed by place of work, specialty, and sex for 2002.
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    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات إجمالي عدد الموظفين الموزعين حسب فئة الوظيفة والمسمى الوظيفي والمنطقة الطبية.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set is subject to total number of employees distributed by job category, job and medical area.
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    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the number of deaths per year distributed by age group, nationality, and medical district in 2006.

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the number of deaths per year distributed by age group, nationality, and medical district in 2006.
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