Title in English:
รายละเอียดคำอธิบายตามตัวชี้วัดของ สวก.Description in English:
[MT] Details of the description according to the indicators of the Royal Thai Army. -
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ตัวชี้วัด (KPI) และผลการปฏิบัติราชการประจำปีDescription in English:
[MT] Indicators (KPI) and annual performance -
Title in English:
為展現政府推動重大政策之決心,就涉跨機關協力之政策,訂定跨機關關鍵績效指標(KPI)及目標。Description in English:
[MT] To show the government's determination to push forward major policies, had to wade across the policy organs work together, the authorities laid across key performance indicators (KPI) and objectives. -
Title in English:
為展現政府推動重大政策之決心,就涉機關個別執行之重要政策,訂定機關別關鍵績效指標(KPI)及目標。Description in English:
[MT] To show the government's determination to push forward major policies, it is important to involve the implementation of the policy of individual organs, agencies do not provide for key performance indicators (KPI) and objectives. -
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Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi data Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) Tenaga Kependidikan Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi DKI Jakarta Variabel pada dataset ini mencakup : bidang bagian sukudinas...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on Civil Servants (PNS) of the Education Office of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office in the DataSet Includes: 1. Sukudinas Sukudinas Sukuubadan Section Field UPT Sub-District Subdistrict. Subbidation of Subbagia... -
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Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Data Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) Guru Tahun Berjalan Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Variabel pada dataset ini mencakup : nama_ptk jenis_kelamin agama...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on Civil Servants (PNS) of the Teacher of the Year running the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office. Variable in this dataset includes: 1. Name_ptk2. type_kelamin3. Religion4. status_perkawinan5. type_ptk6. Education_T... -
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Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi data Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi DKI Jakarta Variabel pada dataset ini mencakup :...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on Civil Servants (PNS) of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office in the dataset includes: 1. Field_bagian_Sukudinas_Sukubadan_Upt_Kecamatan_Kelurah2. Subbidang_Subbagi3. name_jabatan_peksana_sesai_dengan_jab_abk_pet... -
Title in English:
Data Pegawai Kontrak Kerja Individu (KKI) di Sekolah variabel dataset berisikan : nama : nama pegawai nomor_kontrak : nomor kontrak pegawai unit_kerja : tempat kerja pegawai...Description in English:
[MT] Data from individual employment contract (KKI) in the Dataset variable school contains: 1. name: name of the employee. number_ contract: employee contract number3. unit_ work: employee workplace4. Sudin_General: Office Tribe 5. Type_PLK: Type of Job -
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Title in English:
Data ini berisi Data Pasar yang Menjual Produk Ber-SNI, Produk Makanan Minuman dan Menggunakan Alat Kemetrologian yang Diawasi pada Tahun 2019 Penjelasan variabel : Bulan...Description in English:
[MT] This data contains market data that sells SNI products, beverage food products and use the supervised Demrologian tool in 2019 Variable Veniables: 1. Monitoring Month: Monitoring Monitor Month. Region: The market area is watched3. Market name: Mark... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Data realisasi Data Pajak Restoran di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2019 Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini : tanggaL : tanggal bulan : bulan tahun :...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the realization of restaurant tax data in the DKI Jakarta Province in 2019 the plan for variables on this dataset: 1. Date: Date. Moon: month3. Year: year4. type_pajak: name type tax5. Total_pajak: Number of tax revenu... -
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Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Data Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2019 Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada dataset ini : tanggal : tanggal bulan:bulan tahun : tahun...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on motor vehicle tax in the province of DKI Jakarta in 2019 the plan for the variables on this dataset: 1. Date: Date. Moon: month3. Year: year4. type_pajak: name type tax5. Total_pajak: Number of tax revenues (within Rp) -
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Dataset ini berisi Data realisasi Pajak Hotel di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2019 Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini : tanggal : tanggal bulan : bulan tahun : tahun...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the realization of hotel taxes in the DKI Jakarta Province in 2019 the plan for the variables on this dataset: 1. Date: Date. Moon: month3. Year: year4. type_pajak: name type tax5. Total_pajak: Number of tax revenues (... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Data Pajak Bea Balik Nama Kendaraan Bermotor Tahun 2019 Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini : tanggal : tanggal bulan :...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the tax data of the name of motorized vehicles in 2019 in the DKI Jakarta Province. The plan for the variables on this dataset: 1. Date: Date. Moon: month 3. Year: Years. type_pajak: name type tax5. Total_pajak: Number... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Data realisasi Pajak Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bermotor di DKI Jakarta Tahun 2019 Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini :...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the realization of motorized vehicle fuel taxes in DKI Jakarta in 2019 in DKI Jakarta Province. Videce about the variables on this dataset: 1. Date: Date. Moon: month3. Year: year4. type_pajak: name type tax5. Total_pa... -
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Dataset ini berisi Data Pajak Air Tanah di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2019 Penjelasan mengenai variabel pada Dataset ini: tanggal : Tanggal bulan : Bulan tahun : Tahun...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains land water tax data in the DKI Jakarta Province in 2019 the plan for variables on this dataset: 1. Date: Date. Moon: month3. Year: year4. type_pajak: name type tax5. Total_pajak: Total tax -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Nilai Produksi Ikan Yang Masuk Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Menurut Jenis Ikan di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini: tahun :...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains fish production values that enter fish auction places according to fish types in DKI Jakarta Province explanations about variables on this dataset: 1. Year: Years. type_ikan: type of fishing gear3. Production: fish production ... -
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Data ini berisi mengenai Data Nilai Produksi Ikan Laut Dan Darat Yang Masuk Pelelangan Menurut Bulan Penjelasan variabel dari data diatas sebagai berikut : tahun : Tahun bulan...Description in English:
[MT] This data contains data from sea fish and land production data that comes in the auction according to the month of the variables from the data above as follows: 1. Year: Years. Moon: month3. type_ikan: fish type4. value_production: production value -
Title in English:
Data Kependudukan Wilayah Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan Data set ini berisi tentang jumlah penduduk dan kepadatannya di Wilayah Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan keterangan...Description in English:
[MT] Population Data for the Jakarta Administrative City Selatandata Set this set contains the population and density in the city of South Jakarta AdministrationDescription Detariables: 1. District: District2. Kelurahan: Kelurahan3. Amount_Lakilaki: The... -
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Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi tentang Data Rekapitulasi Bulanan Kejadian Pohon Tumbang di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2018. Penjelasan mengenai variabel pada dataset ini : bulan : bulan...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the monthly recapitulation of fallen trees in DKI Jakarta Province in 2018. Explanation of the variables on this dataset: 1. Moon: Month of the Disaster. Region: The area occurs the disaster3. Amount_Adad: the number o... -
Title in English:
Data ini berisi tentang data wilayah terdampak banjir Tahun 2018 di Provinsi DKI Jakarta variabel dataset berisikan : bulan_kejadian : bulan kejadian bencana banjir...Description in English:
[MT] This data contains data on the affected region of floods in 2018 in DKI Jakarta Province DataSet containing: 1. Moon_Kejadian: month of the flood disaster. City_Administration: City Administration Location Flood3. Sub-district: location of the sub-...