Title in English:
本資料集提供特定用途化粧品仿單或外盒資料,並定期與藥證業務管理系統同步,藉此提供醫師、藥師、醫護人員、業者、民眾等使用者使用。Description in English:
[MT] This data set provides the use of a specific cosmetic imitation of one or carton data, and regularly synchronized with the drug card business management system, thereby providing users use physicians, pharmacists, health care, industry, the public ... -
Title in English:
本資料集提供醫療器材仿單或外盒資料,並每週與藥證業務管理系統同步,藉此提供醫師、藥師、醫護人員、業者、民眾等使用者使用。Description in English:
[MT] This data set provides medical equipment instruction sheet or carton data, and weekly sync with the drug card business management system, thereby providing physicians, pharmacists, health care, industry, the public and other users. -
Title in English:
本資料集提供藥品仿單或外盒資料,並每週與藥證業務管理系統同步,藉此提供醫師、藥師、醫護人員、業者、民眾等使用者使用。Description in English:
[MT] This data set provides information on drugs imitation of one or carton, and a weekly sync with the drug card business management system, thereby providing users use physicians, pharmacists, health care, industry, the public and so on.
คุณสามารถเข้าถึงคลังทาง API (ให้ดู คู่มือ API).