Title in English:
Data ini Berisi Mengenai Data Jumlah Penduduk Provinsi DKI Jakarta Berdasarkan Kelompok Usia dan Jenis Kelamin Penjelasan Variabel Berisi Mengenai : tahun : Tahun nama_provinsi...Description in English:
[MT] This data contains data from the population of DKI Jakarta Province based on age groups and gender types of variables containing: 1. Year: Years. Name_Provinsi: Provincial name3. Name_Kabupaten_Kota: Name of Kota Kota4. Name_Cecamat: District name5... -
Title in English:
Data Jumlah Penduduk Menurut Status Perkawinan di Kabupaten Belitung memuat tentang Data Jumlah Penduduk Menurut Status Perkawinan (Belum Kawin, Kawin, Cerai Hidup, Cerai Mati)...Description in English:
[MT] Data from the population according to marital status in Belitung Regency contains data on the population data according to marriage status (not married, marriage, divorce, divorce die) in Belitung Regency -
Title in English:
Data ini berisi Data Kecamatan, Golongan Darah A, A-, A , AB, AB-, AB , B, B-, B , O, O-,O , Tidak Tahu, dan Grand TotalDescription in English:
[MT] This data contains sub-district data, blood type A, A-, A , AB, AB-, AB , B, B-, B , O, O-, O , do not know, and grand total -
Title in English:
Data ini berisi Data Aliran Kepercayaan, Budha, Hindu, Islam, Khatolik, Konghucu, Kristen dan Grand Total Tahun 2018Description in English:
[MT] This data contains the flow of beliefs, Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Khatolik, Konghucu, Kristen and Grand Total 2018 -
Title in English:
Data ini berisi Data Kecamatan, Jumlah Laki-laki, Jumlah Perempuan dan Grand TotalDescription in English:
[MT] This data contains sub-district data, the number of men, number of women and grand total -
Title in English:
Berikut kami sampaikan data jumlah penduduk di Desa Jebengsari,Kecamatan Salaman,Desa Tahun 2019.berdasarkan pekerjaannya.Description in English:
[MT] Next we submit data in the population in Jebengsari Village, Salaman District, Village in 2019. Based on the work. -
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Title in English:
Data mengenai sebaran jumlah Penduduk di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Berdasarkan Tingkat Pendidikan Usia Sekolah (>7 Th) per Kelurahan. Penjelasan Variabel ini Berisi Mengenai :...Description in English:
[MT] Data on the distribution of the population in DKI Jakarta Province is based on the education level of school age (> 7 years) per kelurahan. The plan for this variable contains: 1. Year: Years. Name_Provinsi: Provincial name3. Name_ County / City: D... -
Title in English:
Data ini berisi Data Jumlah Penduduk Berdasarkan Agama menurut Jenis Kelamin di Kecamatan Pontianak TimurDescription in English:
[MT] This data contains data on the population under religion according to sex in East Pontianak District
คุณสามารถเข้าถึงคลังทาง API (ให้ดู คู่มือ API).