Title in English:
Maklumat Pejabat dan Kaunter Lembaga Pelesenan Kenderaan Perdagangan (LPKP) SarawakDescription in English:
[MT] Office Information and Counter of Trade Vehicle Licensing Board (LPKP) Sarawak -
Title in English:
Statistik Tender Jabatan/Agensi Persekutuan yang telah diputuskan oleh Mesyuarat Lembaga Perolehan Persekutuan SarawakDescription in English:
[MT] Statistics Tender Department / Federal Agencies which have been decided by the Sarawak Federal Procurement Board Meeting -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi mengenai Data Jumlah Mahasiswa Baru, Mahasiswa Terdaftar, Lulusan dan Tenaga Edukatif Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan Swasta Menurut Jenis Lembaga. Penjelasan...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the number of new students, registered students, graduates and educational staff of the public and private universities according to the type of institution. The plan for the variables on this dataset: 1. Year: the yea... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Data Jumlah Lembaga Sosial Kemasyarakatan (LSK) Menurut Kabupaten Kota Administrasi dan Jenis LSK. Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini : tahun :...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the number of social institutions (LSK) according to the City of Administrative District and the type of LSK Type_LSM: The type of social socio-social institution4. Amount: Number of NGOs by District Administration Dis... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Data Jumlah Lembaga Sarana Dakwah Menurut Kabupaten Kota Administrasi. Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini : tahun : tahun pendataan nama_kabkota...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the number of da'wah facilities according to the City of Administrative Regency. The plan for the variables on this dataset: 1. Year: the year of data collection2. Name_Kabkota: Administrative Region Da'wah3 Facility. ... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Data Jumlah Lembaga Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan Swasta Menurut Jenis Lembaga. Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini : tahun : tahun pendataan...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the number of state and private college institutions according to the type of institution. The assessment of the variables on this dataset: 1. Years: year collection 2. type_perguruan_tinggi: type of college3. type_Lem... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Data Jumlah Lembaga Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial Milik Masyarakat dan Binaan Menurut Jenis Lembaga. Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini : tahun :...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the number of social welfare services. Year: Come on data collection 2. type_lembaga_pelkesos: Types of social welfare services. Amount_Lembaga: Number of Institutions in Social Welfare Services4. amount_busin: the amo... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Data Jumlah Lembaga, Mahasiswa Baru, Mahasiswa Terdaftar, Lulusan dan Tenaga Edukatif Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan Swasta. Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the number of institutions, new students, registered students, graduates and educational staff of the public and private universities Indicator: Data Indicator 3. PT_NEGERI: Number of state universities4. PT_Surbat: Nu... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi Data Jumlah Lembaga dan Warga Binaan Sosial (WBS) pada Lembaga Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial. Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini : tahun : tahun...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data on the number of social assistants and citizens (WBS) in the social welfare service institution Owner: owner of the institution4. Amount: Number of Institutions5. Unit: Unit of the number of institutions6. Description: In...
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