พบ 35 ชุดข้อมูล

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

แท็ค: water

  • flag_thailand


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    Description in English:

    [MT] The amount of water used to produce tap water from various natural water sources to produce tap water.
  • flag_thailand


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    ปริมาณน้ำเข้าอ่างเก็บน้ำ (inflow) กฟผ. สรุปรายปี หน่วย : ล้านลูกบาศก์เมตร

    Description in English:

    [MT] The amount of water enters the reservoir (Inflow EGAT summary of the unit: Million cubic meters
  • flag_thailand


    Title in English:


    ข้อมูลที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการบริหารจัดการน้ำในจังหวัดชลบุรี ได้แก่ ปริมาณน้ำฝนรายปี อ่างเก็บน้ำ ข้อมูลบ่อน้ำบาดาล การสูบน้ำดิบ น้ำจำหน่ายประปาหมู่บ้าน ข้อมูลน้ำเพื่อการเกษตร...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Information related to water management in Chon Buri Province, such as annual rainfall content, reservoir, groundwater, groundwater, raw water, water supply, village Water information for agriculture Irrigation efficiency The amount of water in the...
  • flag_malaysia


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    Water Consumption Analysis in Sarawak by division and type of usage

    Description in English:

    Water Consumption Analysis in Sarawak by division and type of usage
  • flag_malaysia


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    List of Gazetted Water Catchment Areas in Sarawak

    Description in English:

    List of Gazetted Water Catchment Areas in Sarawak
  • flag_malaysia 1 View


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    Peratusan isi rumah mengikut jenis bekalan air, bekalan elektrik dan daerah pentadbiran, Pahang 2019SUMBER :Laporan Survei Pendapatan Isi Rumah dan Kemudahan Asas Mengikut...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Household percentage by type of water supply, electricity supply and administrative district, Pahang 2019Source: Household Income Survey Report and Basic Facilities By State And District of Pahang State Administration Year 2019 Department of Statis...
  • flag_malaysia 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Set data ini memaparkan maklumat lokasi pulau-pulau yang bernama di seluruh Perairan Malaysia. Maklumat pulau-pulau ini adalah hasil kerjasama daripada pihak kerajaan negeri...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This data set shows the location information of the islands named in the waters of Malaysia. Details of these islands is the result of cooperation of the state government in providing information on data contained island in their respective states....
  • flag_thailand 2 Views


    Title in English:


    เป็นข้อมูลในการวางแผนหรือกำหนดข้อบัญญัติ ในการพัฒนา ซ่อมแซมถนน แหล่งน้ำ และการติดตั้งไฟฟ้าใช้ในครัวเรือน

    Description in English:

    [MT] As defined in the planning or development provisions in road repair water and electrical household appliances.
  • flag_uae 1 View


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    This data shows the measurements of electricity and water activity in Abu Dhabi in 2010, 2014, 2015, and 2016.

    Description in English:

    This data shows the measurements of electricity and water activity in Abu Dhabi in 2010, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
  • flag_uae


    Title in English:


    نسبة السكان الذين يحصلون على المياه هي البيانات المسحوبة من JMP_WHO للأعوام 2000-2017

    Description in English:

    [MT] Percentage of water who get water is geared from JMP_WHO for the years 2000-2017
  • flag_uae 2 Views


    Title in English:


    The dataset highlights the rainfall in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain from January 2016 to December 2016.

    Description in English:

    The dataset highlights the rainfall in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain from January 2016 to December 2016.
  • flag_uae


    Title in English:


    تكشف إحصائيات مجموعة البيانات هذه عن الزيادة في الطلب على المياه والاعتماد على موارد المياه غير التقليدية بناءً على إجمالي سعة محطات معالجة المياه العادمة حسب المنطقة (مليون متر...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This data set statistics reveal the increase in demand for water and rely on non-traditional water resources based on total wastewater treatment plants by region (million cubic meters) from 2013 to 2016
  • flag_thailand


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    จำนวนบ่อน้ำบาดาล2. โครงการพัฒนาแหล่งน้ำบาดาลเพื่อการเกษตรในพื้นที่ประสบภัยแล้ง

    Description in English:

    [MT] 2 Number of rigs. Development of groundwater in agricultural areas experiencing drought.
  • flag_uae


    Title in English:


    كمية المياه المتبادلة سنوياً (مليون جالون/سنة)

    Description in English:

    [MT] The amount of mutual water annually (million gallons / year)
  • flag_uae


    Title in English:


    التوزيع النسبي للأسر التي تحصل على المياه حسب نوع الأسرة والمصدر الرئيسي لتوزيع المياه. تم إنتاج مجموعة البيانات في عام 2019 لأول مرة مع هذا التفصيل في الإمارات العربية المتحدة....

    Description in English:

    [MT] The relative distribution of families getting water by city type and the main source of water distribution. The data set was produced in 2019 for the first time with this detail in the United Arab Emirates. These ratios are measured every 5 years t...
  • flag_uae


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    عدد عدادات المياه الذكية متصلة

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    [MT] Number of smart water counters connected
  • flag_uae 1 View


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    This dataset contains the information related status, required water demand, NOC

    Description in English:

    This dataset contains the information related status, required water demand, NOC
  • flag_uae


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    كتيب شامل يحتوي على جميع الإحصاءات الفنية السنوية لهيئة كهرباء ومياه دبي.

    Description in English:

    [MT] A comprehensive brochure contains all annual technical statistics for Dubai Electricity and Water Authority.
  • flag_uae


    Title in English:


    تصنيف السدود حسب نوع بناء السد في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

    Description in English:

    [MT] Classification of dams by type of dam construction in the United Arab Emirates
  • flag_uae 1 View


    Title in English:


    تفاصيل هذه البيانات الاستهلاك السنوي من المياه المحلاة في مليون غالون إمبراطوري وفقا للمنطقة والسنة في إمارة أبو ظبي

    Description in English:

    [MT] Details of this annual consumption data of sweetened water in 1 million imperialities in accordance with the region and Sunnah in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
คุณสามารถเข้าถึงคลังทาง API (ให้ดู คู่มือ API).