Title in English:
اجمالي الانفاق على الشؤون الاقتصادية على مستوى دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة (القيمة مليون درهم ) من عام 2010 إلى 2018 وفقًا لمعايير دليل الإحصائيات المالية الحكومية الصادر عن...Description in English:
[MT] The total expenditure on economic affairs at the UAE level (value million dirhams) from 2010 to 2018 in accordance with the Standards for the International Monetary Financial Finance Guide issued by the International Monetary Fund -
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Electricity Consumption in Commercial Sector by Aggregated Categories from 2014 until 2016 in Peninsular Malaysia in GWhDescription in English:
Electricity Consumption in Commercial Sector by Aggregated Categories from 2014 until 2016 in Peninsular Malaysia in GWh -
Title in English:
Perkhidmatan kesihatan bagi masyarakat orang asli dikendalikan oleh Pasukan Bergerak Orang Asli KKM menggunakan pengangkutan darat dan udara ke lokasi yang telah dikenalpasti di...Description in English:
[MT] Public health services to indigenous people conducted by the Mobile Teams MOH Aboriginal land and air transportation to locations that have been identified in the area of Orang Asli Settlement (Pos) and Regrouping Plan (SDP). -
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Title in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for the Union Territories Without Legislature (Chandigarh) under the Ministry of Home Affairs. It contains budgetary allocations for interventions...Description in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for the Union Territories Without Legislature (Chandigarh) under the Ministry of Home Affairs. It contains budgetary allocations for interventions in the Union Territory by the Union Government across various departments li... -
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Title in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for the Union Territories Without Legislature (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) under the Ministry of Home Affairs. It contains budgetary allocations for...Description in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for the Union Territories Without Legislature (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) under the Ministry of Home Affairs. It contains budgetary allocations for interventions in the Union Territory by the Union Government across various de... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi mengenai Data Acara Wisata Balai Kota di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Penjelasan mengenai variabel pada Dataset ini : tanggal : tanggal acara wisata Balaikota Di...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data about Travel Events City Hall DKI Jakarta.Penjelasan the variables in this dataset: 1. date: date of the event Hall In DKI JAKARTA2 travel. nama_acara: the name of the event at City Hall Jakarta3 travel. jumlah_pengunjung... -
Title in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finance, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory...Description in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finance, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory Deposit (Income Tax Payers) Scheme,Forward Markets Commission (FMC) ,Contribution ... -
Title in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finance, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory...Description in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finance, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory Deposit (Income Tax Payers) Scheme,Forward Markets Commission (FMC) ,Contribution ... -
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Title in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finance, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory...Description in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finance, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory Deposit (Income Tax Payers) Scheme,Forward Markets Commission (FMC) ,Contribution ... -
Title in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finance, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory...Description in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finance, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory Deposit (Income Tax Payers) Scheme,Forward Markets Commission (FMC) ,Contribution ... -
Title in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finnace, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory...Description in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finnace, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory Deposit (Income Tax Payers) Scheme,Forward Markets Commission (FMC) ,Contribution ... -
1 View
Title in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finnace, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory...Description in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finnace, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory Deposit (Income Tax Payers) Scheme,Forward Markets Commission (FMC) ,Contribution ... -
Title in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finnace, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory...Description in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finnace, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory Deposit (Income Tax Payers) Scheme,Forward Markets Commission (FMC) ,Contribution ... -
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Title in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finnace, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory...Description in English:
Total Union Budget Allocation for Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finnace, It includes allocation for National Savings Institute,Interest on deposits under Compulsory Deposit (Income Tax Payers) Scheme,Forward Markets Commission (FMC) ,Contribution ... -
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Title in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for the Cabinet under the Ministry of Home Affairs. It contains budgetary allocations for expenditures related to tour expenses, salaries,...Description in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for the Cabinet under the Ministry of Home Affairs. It contains budgetary allocations for expenditures related to tour expenses, salaries, Sumptuary and Other Allowances of Council of Ministers, Prime Minister’s Office etc. -
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Title in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for salaries etc. of staff of the Secretariat-General Services, expenditure for delegations of Members of Parliament travelling abroad, foreign...Description in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for salaries etc. of staff of the Secretariat-General Services, expenditure for delegations of Members of Parliament travelling abroad, foreign delegations visiting India on reciprocal basis, holding of Youth Parliament Com... -
Title in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for salaries etc. of staff of the Secretariat-General Services, expenditure for delegations of Members of Parliament travelling abroad, foreign...Description in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for salaries etc. of staff of the Secretariat-General Services, expenditure for delegations of Members of Parliament travelling abroad, foreign delegations visiting India on reciprocal basis, holding of Youth Parliament Com... -
Title in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for salaries etc. of staff of the Secretariat-General Services, expenditure for delegations of Members of Parliament travelling abroad, foreign...Description in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for salaries etc. of staff of the Secretariat-General Services, expenditure for delegations of Members of Parliament travelling abroad, foreign delegations visiting India on reciprocal basis, holding of Youth Parliament Com... -
Title in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for salaries etc. of staff of the Secretariat-General Services, expenditure for delegations of Members of Parliament travelling abroad, foreign...Description in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for salaries etc. of staff of the Secretariat-General Services, expenditure for delegations of Members of Parliament travelling abroad, foreign delegations visiting India on reciprocal basis, holding of Youth Parliament Com... -
Title in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for salaries etc. of staff of the Secretariat-General Services, expenditure for delegations of Members of Parliament travelling abroad, foreign...Description in English:
Total Union Budget allocation for salaries etc. of staff of the Secretariat-General Services, expenditure for delegations of Members of Parliament travelling abroad, foreign delegations visiting India on reciprocal basis, holding of Youth Parliament Com...