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Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Economies: Indonesia Categories: J. Health

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    Title in English:


    Pada bulan Januari 2018 Kota Blora terjadi inflasi 0,78 persen dengan Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK) sebesar 126,07 (IHK 2012=100), lebih tinggi dibandingkan inflasi pada bulan...

    Description in English:

    [MT] In January 2018, the City Blora inflation of 0.78 percent in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 126.07 (CPI 2012 = 100), higher than the inflation rate in December 2017 recorded an inflation of 0.60 percent with CPI of 125,10.Inflasi caused price in...