พบ 51 ชุดข้อมูล

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

แท็ค: ODT

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    Title in English:


    PISA هو تقييم عالمي لمرة كل ثلاث سنوات يدرس قدرة الطلاب على استخدام المهارات المعرفية في المجالات الرئيسية لمحو الأمية القراءة ، ومحو الأمية في الرياضيات ومحو الأمية في العلوم....

    Description in English:

    [MT] Pisa is a universal assessment of every three years studying the ability of students to use cognitive skills in key areas for literacy reading, literacy in mathematics and literacy in science. (Mainly in classes 7-12). The International Student Eva...
  • flag_uae 6 Views ได้รับความสนใจ


    Title in English:


    indicator description: It is the value of goods and services provided by producers residing in the country to non-residents. It often consists of the movement of foreign goods...

    Description in English:

    indicator description: It is the value of goods and services provided by producers residing in the country to non-residents. It often consists of the movement of foreign goods across the country's customs borders, including direct purchases of non-resid...
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    Title in English:


    This dataset is a combination of the consumption of sales in the oil and gas industry and the actual electricity consumption this data is only available in the existing...

    Description in English:

    This dataset is a combination of the consumption of sales in the oil and gas industry and the actual electricity consumption this data is only available in the existing breakdown until further surveys are conducted.
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    Title in English:


    تعريف غير مباشر: عدد العاطلين مقسومًا على عدد الأفراد في القوى العاملة (القوى العاملة) (يشمل العاطلين الذين عملوا سابقًا والعاطلين الذين لم يعملوا سابقًا) تم الحصول على مجموعة...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Indirect definition: The number of unemployed is divided by the number of individuals in the labor force (labor force) (including unemployed and unemployed persons who have not been obtained from the International Labor Organization (ILO) and inclu...
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    Title in English:


    Total Expenditure Health at the UAE level (In millions AED) from 2010 to 2018 according to the standards of the government's financial statistics manual issued by the...

    Description in English:

    Total Expenditure Health at the UAE level (In millions AED) from 2010 to 2018 according to the standards of the government's financial statistics manual issued by the International Monetary Fund
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    Title in English:


    Indicator Definition: Education is a branch of the public sector, according to COFOG classification that includes activities of Pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary...

    Description in English:

    Indicator Definition: Education is a branch of the public sector, according to COFOG classification that includes activities of Pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary education, post-secondary non-tertiary education, education non definable by lev...
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    Title in English:


    The probability that a child born in a specific year or period will die before reaching the age of 1 year, if subject to age-specific mortality rates of that period, expressed...

    Description in English:

    The probability that a child born in a specific year or period will die before reaching the age of 1 year, if subject to age-specific mortality rates of that period, expressed as a rate per 1000 live births. The infant mortality rate is, strictly speaki...
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    Title in English:


    Indicator Definition: "Total number of live births registered in the UAE. ‘‘Live Birth’’ means the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of human...

    Description in English:

    Indicator Definition: "Total number of live births registered in the UAE. ‘‘Live Birth’’ means the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of human conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which, after such expulsion ...
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    Title in English:


    Indicator Definition: An organization for educational and professional purposes.The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is home to a wide range of schools, both public and private. The...

    Description in English:

    Indicator Definition: An organization for educational and professional purposes.The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is home to a wide range of schools, both public and private. The UAE has established an excellent and diversified system of general education....
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    Title in English:


    Indicator Definition: Total number of deaths registered in the UAE. Death is the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live birth has taken place...

    Description in English:

    Indicator Definition: Total number of deaths registered in the UAE. Death is the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live birth has taken place (post-natal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).D...
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    Title in English:


    Indicator definition: Weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight for a given height This dataset contains obesity estimation by gender and year

    Description in English:

    Indicator definition: Weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight for a given height This dataset contains obesity estimation by gender and year
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    Title in English:


    Under five mortality rate is the probability of dying before age of 5 per 1000 live births *metadata sheet to be found attached or in additional information below

    Description in English:

    Under five mortality rate is the probability of dying before age of 5 per 1000 live births*metadata sheet to be found attached or in additional information below
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    Title in English:


    A basic indicator of the level of fertility, calculated by summing age-specific birth rates over all reproductive ages. It may be interpreted as the expected number of children...

    Description in English:

    A basic indicator of the level of fertility, calculated by summing age-specific birth rates over all reproductive ages. It may be interpreted as the expected number of children a women who survives to the end of the reproductive age span will have durin...
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    Title in English:


    indicator definition: Weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight for a given height This dataset contains obesity estimation by age group and year

    Description in English:

    indicator definition: Weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight for a given heightThis dataset contains obesity estimation by age group and year
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    Title in English:


    Total of beds per 10,000 population. Hospital beds include inpatient beds available in public, private, general and specialized hospitals and rehabilitation centers. In most...

    Description in English:

    Total of beds per 10,000 population. Hospital beds include inpatient beds available in public, private, general and specialized hospitals and rehabilitation centers. In most cases, beds for both acute and chronic care are included
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    Title in English:


    عدد العاملين في مجال الرعاية الصحية حسب الفئة والإمارة والقطاع والمواطنة والجنس. النوع يشمل (طبيب ، ممرض ، طبيب أسنان وفني)

    Description in English:

    [MT] Number of health care workers by category, emirate, sector, citizenship and sex. Type includes (doctor, nurse, dentist and technical)
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    Title in English:


    Number of health facilities offering specific services per 10000 population and meeting minimum service standards based on a set of tracer criteria for specific services

    Description in English:

    Number of health facilities offering specific services per 10000 population and meeting minimum service standards based on a set of tracer criteria for specific services
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    Title in English:


    Percentage of the target population that has received the last recommended dose for each vaccine recommended in the national schedule by vaccine. This should include all...

    Description in English:

    Percentage of the target population that has received the last recommended dose for each vaccine recommended in the national schedule by vaccine. This should include all vaccines within a country’s routine immunization schedule (e.g., Bacillus Calmette–...
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    Title in English:


    المتوسط ​​السنوي لتركيز ملوثات الهواء حسب نوع الملوثات ومحطة المراقبة في الإمارات الرئيسية التي لديها محطات مراقبة. ملاحظة: لا تمتلك جميع الإمارات محطات مراقبة. محطات المراقبة...

    Description in English:

    [MT] The annual average of the focus of air pollutants by type of pollutants and monitoring station in the major Emirates with monitoring stations. Note: All the UAE does not have control stations. The monitoring stations mentioned are the only surveill...
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    Title in English:


    This dataset includes the Proportion of women in government, management or senior positions for the years 2000 - 2019

    Description in English:

    This dataset includes the Proportion of women in government, management or senior positions for the years 2000 - 2019