How open data is used:

It is a service that allows you to inquire about the status of the announcement and the disclosure of the pre-standards of the Nara marketplace.

Quick facts:

  • Company: (주)지에이시스템|대표자 (GE Systems Co., Ltd. )
  • Sector: Government and Public Sector
  • Product/Service: Platform
  • Tag:
  • Origin: Korea  


'DeepBid' provides not only bidding information and prior specifications, ticket information, bid information, contract information, but also industry-specific information, company information, competitor analysis, institution information, demand institution analysis, inspection, non-bid information, ranking information, especially for companies Analysis and institutional analysis service is a website composed of core functions in decision-making as multi-level analysis is possible by applying data mining technology suitable for big data systems.


Procurement agency, National Pension Service, and Defense Agency use public APIs to provide bidding and bidding information.