Population By Age Groups and Gender
Population By Age Groups and Gender

The dataset shows population by age groups and gender in the United Arab Emirates from 1975 until 2005 every 5 years.

The dataset shows population by age groups and gender in the United Arab Emirates from 1975 until 2005 every 5 years.

Data and Resources

  • UAE Population By Age Groups and genderXLSX Popular

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated September 16, 2019, 17:19 (CST)
Created September 8, 2019, 12:00 (CST)
AODP_DateImported 192511100
AODP_former_id a8ac4db1-a92e-4d2d-b630-3b70e37d1c71
AODP_former_name population-by-age-groups-and-gender
AODP_former_owner_org 8673a3f5-51a4-4643-8269-2d4ab79defc7
AODP_former_site http://data.bayanat.ae/en_GB
AODP Economy UAE