基隆市不動產買賣實價登錄Open Data(108年1月買賣登記案件)
[MT] Keelung Real Estate Business and Nett login Open Data (108 registered cases of trading in January)


[MT] Sell ​​sell real property cases Nett login information, including the target position (to identify technology), the area, the total price and other information.

Data and Resources

  • 基隆市不動產買賣實價登錄Open Data(108年1月上旬買賣登記案件)CSV

    基隆市不動產買賣實價登錄Open Data(108年1月上旬買賣登記案件)

  • 基隆市不動產買賣實價登錄Open Data(108年1月中旬買賣登記案件)CSV

    基隆市不動產買賣實價登錄Open Data(108年1月中旬買賣登記案件)

  • 基隆市不動產買賣實價登錄Open Data(108年1月下旬買賣登記案件)CSV

    基隆市不動產買賣實價登錄Open Data(108年1月下旬買賣登記案件)

Additional Info

Field Value
Author 陳小姐
Maintainer 2.16.886.101.90001.20002.20077|基隆市政府地政處
Last Updated November 12, 2020, 11:23 (CST)
Created October 26, 2019, 08:43 (CST)
AODP_DateImported 192990837
AODP_former_id dd54f382-fee6-4f8b-b0b4-49e3a4db2c9b
AODP_former_name 100174
AODP_former_owner_org 4eaf3966-2f8e-4681-bdf7-682fb5e44fd6
AODP_former_site https://data.gov.tw
src_categoryDataset A
src_categoryService C00
src_categoryTheme 002
src_cost free
src_coverageEndedDate 2021-03-19 00:00:00
src_coverageStartedDate 2019-03-22 00:00:00
src_dataProvider pineda
src_dataQuality G
src_datasetId 100174
src_detectFrequency monthly
src_language zh
src_modifiedDate 2019-03-25 09:50:04
src_publishedDate 2019-03-22 00:00:00
src_publisherContactPhone 02-24201122#2419
src_relatedUrl http://plvr.land.moi.gov.tw/DownloadOpenData
src_type rawData
src_updateFrequency 每月
AODP Economy Taiwan