Annual Report on the Aging Society: 2006
Data and Resources
Annual Report on the Aging Society: 2006 (Summary)HTML
Status of Population Aging(PDF:138KB)PDF
Status of the Elderly(PDF:125KB)PDF
Use of the Elderly’s Ability in Depopulating ...PDF
Fundamental Framework of Measures for Aging ...PDF
Trend of Measures for Aging Society(PDF:71KB)PDF
Working and Income(PDF:90KB)PDF
Health and Welfare(PDF:224KB)PDF
Learning and Social Participation(PDF:65KB)PDF
Living Environment(PDF:70KB)PDF
Promoting Survey and Research(PDF:63KB)PDF
Measures for Aging Society in FY 2006(PDF:56KB)PDF
Measures for Aging Society by Field(PDF:84KB)PDF
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | November 13, 2020, 09:12 (CST) |
Created | October 9, 2020, 22:54 (CST) |
DPA_DateImported | 202832127 |
DPA_former_id | 7ee14633-691c-4454-9372-40950a0f5ce7 |
DPA_former_name | cao_20140904_0361 |
DPA_former_owner_org | bd3532a9-f470-4bba-9259-2b39d807da26 |
DPA_former_site | https://www.data.go.jp/data/en |
contactPoint | 政策統括官(共生社会政策担当) |
creator | 政策統括官(共生社会政策担当) |
description | 内閣府が発行している高齢社会白書の平成18年版〔概要英訳版〕 |
frequency_of_update | 1年 |
landingPage | https://www8.cao.go.jp/kourei/english/annualreport/2006/06wp-e.html |
publisher | 内閣府 |
release_date | 2006 |
resource_names | Annual Report on the Aging Society: 2006 (Summary),Status of Population Aging(PDF:138KB),Status of the Elderly(PDF:125KB),Use of the Elderly’s Ability in Depopulating Society(PDF:91KB),Fundamental Framework of Measures for Aging Society(PDF:59KB),Trend of Measures for Aging Society(PDF:71KB),Working and Income(PDF:90KB),Health and Welfare(PDF:224KB),Learning and Social Participation(PDF:65KB),Living Environment(PDF:70KB),Promoting Survey and Research(PDF:63KB),Measures for Aging Society in FY 2006(PDF:56KB),Measures for Aging Society by Field(PDF:84KB) |
spatial | |
AODP Economy | Japan |