[MT] 1976 (1976) version of small and medium-sized enterprises White Paper


[MT] Order to clarify the measures it intends to measure and Kojiyo that was taken in relation to small and medium-sized enterprises of the trend, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, report the government submitted to the Diet every year. Bas...

Data and Resources

  • 1976年(昭和51年)版中小企業白書HTML

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 00:23 (CST)
Created October 23, 2020, 12:10 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 202962100
DPA_former_id 8995b2b7-dd09-4a84-a365-9cd77125cec2
DPA_former_name meti_20140901_0059
DPA_former_owner_org 362d723d-e10a-4bee-aeb4-2e6a81da4f95
DPA_former_site https://www.data.go.jp/data/en
contactPoint 中小企業庁事業環境部企画課調査室
creator 中小企業庁事業環境部企画課調査室
description 中小企業の動向並びに中小企業に関して講じた施策及び講じようとする施策を明らかにするため、政府が毎年国会に提出する報告書。中小企業基本法第11条の規定に基づく。
frequency_of_update 1年
publisher 経済産業省
release_date 1976-04-22
resource_names 1976年(昭和51年)版中小企業白書
AODP Economy Japan