Jumlah Pengunjung bagi Program Pusat Transformasi Komuniti Bergerak (Mobile CTC) Sarawak
[MT] The number of visitors to the Mobile Community Transformation Center (CTC Mobile) Sarawak

Jumlah Pengunjung bagi Program Pusat Transformasi Komuniti Bergerak (Mobile CTC) Sarawak

[MT] The number of visitors to the Mobile Community Transformation Center (CTC Mobile) Sarawak

Data and Resources

  • Jumlah Pengunjung bagi Program Pusat ...XLSX

    Jumlah Pengunjung bagi Program Pusat Transformasi Komuniti Bergerak (Mobile...

  • Jumlah Pengunjung bagi Program Pusat ...CSV

    Jumlah Pengunjung bagi Program Pusat Transformasi Komuniti Bergerak (Mobile...

Additional Info

Field Value
Source Perbendaharaan Malaysia Sarawak
Author Pui Lih Shan
Maintainer Lionel Lai
Version 1.0
Last Updated October 28, 2020, 23:39 (CST)
Created October 28, 2020, 23:39 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 203020038
DPA_former_id bd685dac-6cd6-4380-a193-0011cd7b3453
DPA_former_name program-pusat-transformasi-komuniti-bergerak-mobile-ctc-sarawak
DPA_former_owner_org 6b9f194a-0c32-4ce3-9b28-d92d9a946d53
DPA_former_site http://www.data.gov.my/data/en_US
update_frequency 5
AODP Economy Malaysia